How to make fire, torches, lighters or campfires in Minecraft

The pandemic has radically changed the way of life of the vast majority of people in the world. Unless you are in one of the least affected countries like Israel or New Zealand, you know that everyone spends twice or three times as much time at home as they did before. Many people are considering moving into the gaming world for more entertainment, thanks to their time at home.

One way to enter this world is through Minecraft. This is a very friendly survival game, with which almost all youngsters are familiar. If you want to download it, it is important that you know if your equipment or phone meets the Minimum Requirements of Minecraft, you can even download Minecraft on PC if you want.

How can you make a torch in Minecraft?

This is essential for anyone who wants to get into this game, as the game serves a large number of useful applications for the player, ranging from weed removal to the ability to cook meat .

When it is said that Minecraft is a survival game, it is that you even have a blood meter, and that you are going to hurt yourself if you try to eat meat without cooking.

To make a Torch, you are going to need to go to the forest, cut down some trees and convert their log wood to wooden plates. This is achieved by leaving the trunk blocks on our crafting menu. Stacking two blocks of processed wood will make a group of poles.

When you have the rods, you will need Coal. This is very easy to obtain, as its mineral is quite recognizable. If you put a coal on a stick on the crafting table, it will give you a torch.

How can I make a fire or a lighter in Minecraft?

To make a fire you need a lighter. To be able to do one of these you will need to have a shovel and go to the closest gravel quarry you have. In this you will have to shovel the gravel blocks until you get a Flint. Once you have this, you must go down to your mine and look for iron ore, melt it and create an iron ingot.

Once you have these two, you can join them on the crafting table next to each other so that your game generates a Lighter, or Flint And Steel , if your game is in English.

To be able to make fire with your new lighter, you will only need to point towards the block you want to light and activate your mouse with the left click. This gadget is a lot of fun to annoy your friends in case you can play Multiplayer Minecraft.

How to make a campfire in Minecraft?

This is a very cute decorative block, which adds warmth to our in-game spaces. It is important that you know that the campfire also ejects a column of smoke that you can see in the distance, in order to be able to locate your house with ease.

When you create a campfire, you also create a light source that will keep monsters out of your house. This is very important, because they can kill you. In case it is a zombie, it can try to break down your door. The Creepers will try to exploit you and the skeletons will try to give you arrows until you see you die.

To create this device you will need to go to the forest and acquire 3 wooden blocks, which you will need to peel. This is done with the right mouse button when you have an ax and before hitting the block.

Also, you are going to need a coal ore and 3 sticks. When you have everything accumulated, you will have to go to your crafting table. In the 3 spaces below you are going to locate your wood. In the center of the crafting space you will put your coal. This will be accompanied on the sides by two sticks, and you must also put one on top of it. This will make you create your campfire.

It is important that you know that you can use any type of wood for your bonfires, and that there is also the blue variant that is made by exchanging coal for Soul Earth, which comes out in the Nether.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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