How to make an automatic index in LaTeX?

When we write scientific articles or texts, we try to ensure that they have a high typographic quality. To facilitate this type of process, there are systems such as LaTeX. However, these can be a bit confusing and difficult to use. To avoid mistakes when using this system, we explain how to make an automatic index in LaTeX .

The organization of the text comes first

Before telling you how to make an automatic index in LaTeX, you must first structure the document correctly . All scientific documents must be divided into chapters, sections, subsections, and in some cases, sub-sections. It is also important to set the paragraphs and subparagraphs correctly.

Source: LaTeX Manual

Remember that the organization of a text is essential for its understanding. A messy text wouldn’t do us any good. In addition, it would be impossible to create the index if it is not properly structured.

To arrange the text in LaTeX should use the following commands: . In the space between the brackets you will place the title of each section of the document. The lower levels must be differentiated by indentation. \chapter{}, \section{}, \subsection{} y \subsubsection{}

Automatic index or table of contents in LaTeX

Once the document is properly structured, it is time to make the index or table of contents . This will be done using the command \tableofcontents. It is important to place this first command before the first section or chapter for it to be successful.

In some cases it will be necessary to compile the document more than once for the index to appear correctly. This will depend on the LaTeX program you use. You can also adjust which titles you want to see in your index.

Source: LaTeX Manual

LaTeX renders titles up to level 2 visible by default. This means that only up to subsections in the index will be seen . However, you can modify it with the command \setcounter{tocdepth}{X}. Then you will only have to change the X for the value you want.

You must remember that LaTeX levels are divided as follows, Level 0 corresponds to Chapters. Levels 1 and 2 are the sections and subsections. Level 3 refers to sub-sections. Finally levels 4 and 5 are the paragraphs and subparagraphs.

Now that you know how to auto-index in LaTeX, you can save time typing. Remember to give a suitable structure to the document, otherwise all the effort will be in vain.