How to index a website in Google Chrome?

In search engines, mainly in Google Chrome, making our website or blog appear in the results is so important to give it visibility and reach. The indexing of a web page in Google Chrome is to make it available among the options when performing a search .

In this article we will explain how to index a web page in the Google Chrome search engine, quickly and easily. We will do this with some legal tips and recommended tips so that your website gains relevance and authority when it comes to appearing in the search engine.


  • How to index a website in Google Chrome?
  • How long can it take for my Google Chrome web page to index?
  • Tips and Tricks to Index Faster

How to index a website in Google Chrome?

Before talking about how long it can take to index a web page, we will explain the steps you must follow to request this action. To index a quick and easy one, just follow these steps to send an indexing request to Google Search Console :

  • We will enter the Google Search Console website.
  • Inside it, we will click on “Start now”.
  • We will register with our Gmail account and add our domain.
  • Then we will click on the top left and select our website or property.
  • At this point we will have to go to our website and copy the URL that we want to index. We can do this by right clicking and clicking “Copy link address”.
  • Then, we will paste it into the Google Search Console search and press “Enter”.
  • Because the page is not indexed, Google Search Console will show us a message saying “that the URL is not in Google“.
  • Then we will click on “Request indexing”. The message “We are testing whether the published URL can be indexed” will appear .
  • We will wait between 30 seconds to a couple of minutes, then Google Search Console will show us a message saying “Indexing has been requested”. We will press “Got it” , and that’s it.

In this way we have requested the indexing of our website in Google Chrome. You will find more information about the process in Google support in case you have questions about how to do it .

How long can it take for my Google Chrome web page to index?

Google has several considerations when it comes to indexing web pages, all of which can mainly be improved for our website through SEO techniques . However, the most important factors are :

Age of the domain

The longer our website has, the easier it will be for Google to index it faster . Google pays attention to this aspect a lot when indexing because the older the portal is, it means that it has not been added to the black list .

Website authority

Also known as “Page rank” , or simply the authority that a web domain has to have weight in search results. This is achieved by offering quality content within the website, to the point that users seek to access it organically.

Anyway, as we mentioned before, Google considers more factors, however, these are two of the most important. Depending on these, our website may be indexed between 48 hours or even weeks .

Tips and Tricks to Index Faster

As such, there are no tricks, just requesting indexing through Google Search Console. However, there are techniques to improve the positioning of your website in search engines. Mainly it is advisable to use the keyword in an organic way and with synonyms , as well as to insert links with quality content that provide something relevant to users.

Google considers many aspects to index and position web pages in its search engine. Another tip is to make high-quality content that allows you to gain authority naturally and quickly, allowing fast indexing. Likewise, in the event that your website offers a product, it is always good to reach it by creating an account in Google Adsense .

On the other hand, it is important to always avoid using techniques that do not follow Google’s guidelines because instead of indexing our website it is safer to go directly to the black list. I hope this information has been of great use to you, so that you can index your website quickly and easily.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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