How to make a recommendation letter in Word?

To make a letter of recommendation in Word we need a tool inside our computer and there to create it, in a long time ago the typewriter was used or perhaps letters of recommendation in the employer’s handwriting, but times changed and everything was turned technological.

How to Make a RECOMMENDATION LETTER in Word – Step by Step

letter of recommendation is a document that employers can create towards employees who will work in another company due to circumstances beyond their control and that it is up to the company to carry out once the employee has secured their new job.

This time we will teach you step by step how to make a recommendation letter in Word with simple steps and a complete guide so that no point is in doubt to be resolved so that this cover letter is very professional. If you do not have Word installed on your PC you can go to the official pages to Download the Microsoft Office 2019 package .

How to make a recommendation letter in Word?

  1. First we must enter our text editor in this case it is Word.
  2. Inside Word with a completely blank page we must begin to configure our letter of recommendation.
  3. Among the flaps that appear below our main menu we will find one that we will use to make size changes in our menu.
  4. “Format” within other options, we select “Configure page” and a new window appears on the screen where we can make the configuration.
  5. Inside the “Paper” flap we can configure the paper size that we will leave in the “Letter” option and in the “Margins” flap
  6. We modify the right margin of the page, 2.5 is the perfect margin for this letter. We keep the orientation vertically.
  7. We return to the blank letter within PowerPoint .

How to write a recommendation letter in Word?

  1. Inside the “Start” tab with the basic tools of our editor we must place the centering in the middle for the title of our letter.
  2. We write the title of the letter and add a letter that looks elegant in a size 14 that is ideal, neither too big nor too small.
  3. We press ENTER and go to the next line that we center to the right, in which we will write the date and place from which this letter of recommendation comes.
  4. We press ENTER again and go down to the next line where we will begin to write the body text in our letter.
  5. We will write the text elegantly and correctly using a highly professional language (see image ref.) .
  6. At the end of our letter you must enter all the important data such as company name, address, name of the person in charge of writing the recommendation letter, email and a contact telephone number.
  7. Finally, we must give certain aspects so that our letter is more professional, in the “Insert” flap and then in “Forms” we will choose a fine line to delimit our signature from the rest of the letter.
  8. It is important to leave complete blank spaces within our letter and never forget the footer with our data and those of the company.

With these step by step you will be ready to write any cover letter in Word so simply and quickly.

Remember that by saving the file in .DOC (Word text document) we can convert it later with a tool to convert Word to PDF on Mac OS and that our cover letter is even more professional and can be viewed more easily. You can also save your Word and Excel files directly to Google Drive or Dropbox so that you always have it online from any computer.

Important: It is not necessary to put more information about the person we are recommending in said cover letter, such as; performance area in your company, employee’s profession, address or telephone numbers. If, on the other hand, you need to edit your letter of recommendation and you don’t have your computer at hand, you can easily do it by editing your Word documents from your Android cell phone with simple steps.

We hope that this complete guide can solve your doubts about how to make a cover letter with Word and you can write it in the most professional way possible.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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