How to make a letter of request for leave of absence from work

In the labor field there are a series of rules and protocols that are necessary to follow to keep a record of everything that the work routine has changed . In order to be absent from work, it is necessary to inform the company by means of a permit request letter.

In this tutorial we are going to explain step by step how to write the request for a permit, in case you have to be absent from work. Either due to a personal problem, some last minute emergency or a force majeure problem that forces you to miss work.

How to make a LETTER requesting PERMISSION to be absent from work

Index(  )

  1. Write a letter to request permission not to go to work step by step
    1. Structure of a leave request letter
    2. Example of a permit request letter
      1. Preparation of the document
      2. Content of the permit request letter
      3. Finalize the request letter

Write a letter to request permission not to go to work step by step

It is very normal that events occur to you from one moment to another and therefore you must miss your work for at least a whole day; Sometimes bosses get upset when they are not notified of the absence in advance, so we will show you how you can write a letter so that your absence is justified.

It can be a bit complex for some workers; However, it is totally simple , since you only have to explain why and how long your absence from work will be prolonged; additional formal idioms that accompany said content.

Structure of a leave request letter

The purpose of the letter is to explain in writing the reasons why you are absent from work . The letter remains as a file in your registry as a worker in case you have to justify those days of absence in the future.

It has a simple and comfortable structure that is summarized in three main sections ; They try to give a meaning and formality to the situation; because you can’t just put up any pretext and without having a formal structure, so it will take a while but it will be worth it.

The first is a heading with the date, place, the name of the recipient and his position; you must also place the first two on the left and the rest on the right. From there if you must continue with the development, start with a greeting and then explain in detail your reasons, motives and other notable aspects that are a solid basis to justify your absence from work.

Finally, close or dismiss the person the letter is addressed to and let them know that you are awaiting their response; In addition, you can place the degree of urgency that you deserve on this request. At the bottom of the page you put a line for the signature , below your name, identity document and that’s it.

Example of a permit request letter

Here we will give you a series of very specific recommendations on how you should write the letter of request for leave to your boss at work. You can incorporate any other aspect that you consider necessary or that you have read from another source; but with what we leave you here it will be enough for them to grant you this permission; what we do remind you is that you must use a convincing and credible justification, so you will go to the fixed.

Preparation of the document

  • On your PC, open the Word application and select the option to create a document from scratch.
  • Before starting with the letter, set the marginsof the document to be properly configured. Click the Layout tab – Margins. Select the normal option.
  • Select the type of paperthat the document should have. The type of paper must match the type of sheet you are going to use for printing. In the margins option, select the custom margins option.
  • In the Page Setup window select the paper tab and choose the A4 Paper option.
  • Choose the type and font sizefor your document. The type of font that is usually used to write this type of document is Arial in size 12.

·             Content of the permit request letter

  • Starting the letter, you must enter the place and date of the moment in which you write the letter. The date format is “ DD of the month of YYYY” and it would read as follows : Valencia, November 16, 2019.
  • The date text should be aligned to the right of the document. Select the Home tab – Align Right Button (Ctrl + D).
  • Change the alignment of the text to the left in Start – Align Left button (Ctrl + W) and write the name of the person to whom the letter is addressed. Usually that person is your direct boss.
  • On the following line, enter the position held in the company bythe person to whom the letter is addressed.
  • It begins with the word PRESENT, to start the content of the letter.
  • The paragraphs of the letter must be justified. To justify the text, select the Home tab – Justify button (Ctrl + J).
  • In the first paragraph write a short introduction explaining that you want to be absentfrom your job and for how long you will not be available.
  • In the second paragraph, explain why you are going to be absent. You must be quite specific and detail the reasons why you cannot attend work. Either due to an illness, accident or the death of a relative.
  • Explaining the reason for your absence is essential. If you have to take more than one paragraph to do it, you can do it as long as it does not lose the brevity character that a letter of this type has.
  • To finish, write a final paragraph of farewell. This is a good opportunity to send a greeting to the recipient of the letter.

Finalize the request letter

  • It ends on a line with the text Sincerely, to end the letter and to imply that you are waiting for an answer.
  • Create a solid line with the dash . The combination of the keys Ctrl + Dash (-).
  • Finish with your full name and your identification number. The name of the identification document will be different according to the country where you live. This text should be centered along with the line you previously created.
  • To center the text, select the Center button on the Home tab (Ctrl + T)

The final result should be more or less similar to the one shown in the image. Your letter is now ready to print in black and white .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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