How to know if the applications to save battery in Android or Smartphone work

In recent years, technological advances have contributed to society in a satisfactory way, allowing users to have better ease, economy and, of course, reliability when carrying out any activity , be it obtaining information through the internet, downloading applications through mobile phones, and of course a truthful interaction with other people.

If we talk about mobiles, they have been a great tool over time, obtaining a large number of employers, and buyers, an audience that ranges from the smallest to the largest, with highly advanced innovations providing efficiency.

In the same way, there are multiple types of mobile phones, different brands, some better than others, as well as different sizes, but although it is true people look for a device that meets all their preferences and needs, in the same way that it is one hundred percent hundred fast, for this there have been lots of applications to save battery, in the same way we can save battery without applications .

Tricks to save battery on my Android mobile or Smartphone

Every day our mobile is the equipment that we use the most, so at the end of the day, the battery will not be at the same point , due to the constant use of it, that is why it is necessary to know some tricks or tips to save the battery from our mobile.

In the first place we can use the option to deactivate the functions that we are not using at the moment, or force the stop of the applications , an example of this is to deactivate the Wi-Fi if we are in a place outside our homes, we would only be using the mobile signal and therefore the data, then it would be a great strategy to improve the condition of the battery .

Another tactic could be not to use the automatic brightness, this should be avoided, the best and ideal would be to set the brightness as low as possible , now if we need to keep it at a high level, we can also do it, but it would not be as effective, Likewise, we can close the applications that are in the background .

Disabling vibrations and sounds at the time of writing is another good and very immediate idea, in the same way we must avoid placing wallpapers with movements, since this totally damages the proper functioning and performance of the battery of the equipment.

How to know if the applications to save battery in Android or Smartphone work

Indeed there are applications that work and others that do not, only when we download them contain a large amount of advertising that we do not want to see, that is why when using an application of this type we must choose Grenify. This is one of the apps that really helps our battery to perform better, they work in an optimal way by stopping applications and games that we are not using.

However, it is good to know if in fact the app that we have downloaded works correctly, a very fast way to do it, apply the strategy of playing any game that we have on our mobile device, after this we observe what battery level has been , then we consider the savings application downloaded.

In this way we can see and verify if it really works or not , we apply the battery saving while we play, then we stop doing it and compare the battery consumption, with and without the application for it.

We can perform the same procedure when we use the camera, or if we record any video, or when making video calls, the latter generates a large consumption so it would be a good verification option.

Some causes why the mobile battery is damaged

As we know, mobile batteries have their useful life like everything else, so it is good to know some things that damage them, firstly it is the bad signal, that is, when we are going to connect to a Wi-Fi network, which has little intensity signal , the best thing would be to place our mobile in airplane mode.

Also exposing mobile phones to extreme temperatures is something totally harmful for batteries, this must be avoided at all costs, as well as avoiding charging our mobile through a computer or PC, since it does not generate the same intensity or the same speed when charging.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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