How to insert moving emojis or emoticons into Outlook emails

Emojis are effective for expressing emotions through text messages or email. For this reason, we recommend you read this article with which you will learn How to insert moving emojis or emoticons in Outlook emails

Index(  )

  1. Emojis or emoticons: How to identify them
  2. How to insert moving emojis or emoticons into Outlook emails

Emojis or emoticons: How to identify them

Emojis or also known as “emoticons” are pictograms that are used to express ideas, feelings, situations of daily life, emotions and represent certain objects through the use of digital communication. You will be able to recognize an emoji because it represents some symbol, it is fun and colorful.

Emojis are present in multiple applications that facilitate interaction between users . The use of these elements is wide and they are very popular among the population that makes daily use of social networks and other digital messaging services. Even today it is possible to create custom emojis for Android and iOS.

Origin of emojis

The origin of emojis dates back to Japan in the late 1990s. Initially, they could be added to text messages as pictorial symbols . However, the user was limited to a maximum of 160 characters.

Also, the emojis were single color and were not subject to copyright. Later, this situation changed and some telephony providers took it upon themselves to offer their own emoji packages. Currently, emojis can be represented by Unicode anywhere on the planet.

How to insert moving emojis or emoticons into Outlook emails

You can insert emojis or emoticons easily and very quickly in order to add more expression and dynamism to your Outlook emails. Next, we will explain how to perform this procedure step by step.

Access your Outlook email account

First of all, make sure to access your Outlook email account through the Outlook website if you use your computer. Enter your email address, press the “Next” button, enter the password and press the “Sign in” button.

Proceed to verify your identity if you have protected your account for secure access. To do this press the “Send code” button. Enter the code you have received and press the “Verify” button.

 Create a new email message in Outlook

Once you log in, you will see your inbox and a series of folders on the left side of the panel. Locate the “New Message” button and click on it. A new window will open in which you can specify the email address to which you are going to send the message and a text box to compose the content of the message.

At the bottom of the window you will find tools such as adding formatting to the text, changing the font type and size, highlighting the text, adding a numbering, modifying the alignment, adding subscripts or superscripts, among other formatting options.

Add an emoji to your email message in Outlook

You can add a simple emoji to a message in Outlook through a process similar to inserting emojis on any web page . To do this, locate the yellow smiley face icon at the bottom of the window. You will see a panel called “Expressions” on the right of the Outlook interface. There, the list of available emojis is displayed that you can expand by clicking on “See all.”

Add moving emojis to your email in Outlook

To add moving emojis to your email in Outlook you must access the “GIF files” tab. There you will find a list of moving emojis that are used frequently. However, you can use other moving emojis if you want to further personalize your message.

Create your own list of moving emojis

Although it is possible to type emojis with the Windows 10 keyboard, you will need to create your own list of moving emojis that you can access through the myemoticons website . Select the emoticons of your choice and save them in a folder.

Later, locate the icon “insert images online” from the Outlook interface. Select the folder location where you stored your emojis and click “Open.”


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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