How to immediately enable the new option to reopen apps on restart

With build 21343 , Microsoft has released a new feature related to restarting Windows 10 , which is currently hidden. Let’s see how to force the enabling of the new option to reopen applications even after restarting the PC .

New option to reopen apps and programs on reboot

The ability to reopen open apps and programs after restarting the PC is a feature that has already been present for several years in Windows 10 : it is a feature initially introduced with the Fall Creators Update and subsequently improved with the May 2020 Update of the operating system to also include restarting UWP apps. This interesting feature is disabled by default and can be managed in Settings > Accounts > Login Options > Automatically save apps bootable at the time of disconnection and riavviale after ‘ access. With the latest build released to Windows Insider users in the Dev channel, Microsoft has begun to internally test a new option to make this feature more accessible.

In particular, the new option is added directly to the drop-down menu that appears when you click the Stop icon on the Start menu. The item Restart apps after signing in (Reopen the apps after login, in Italian) is a check that takes place under the items Suspend, Shut down the system and Reboot the system. In this way the user can choose from time to time whether to enable or disable the automatic opening of apps when the PC is restarted .

How to immediately enable the new option to reopen apps on restart

ATTENTION  | We will not be held responsible for hardware and software damage caused by this or other guides published on WindowsBlogItalia. Everything is done at your own risk and could lead, in the best case, to the loss of the data present in the device: before taking any initiative, we strongly recommend making a complete backup of apps, photos and documents.

PREREQUISITES  | Enabling the new option to reopen apps and programs after PC restarts only works onWindows 10 Build 21343and newer builds. Therefore, we strongly advise against following this guide for previous versions of Windows 10.Build 21343 can be obtained by registering your PC to the Windows Insider Program in the Dev Channel.

If you meet all the above requirements and have backed up your data,  just perform the following procedure :

  1. Download the ViveTooltool from the link at the bottom of the article .
  2. Extract the contents of the fileZIP to a folder , such as the ViveTool-v0.2.0 folder in Downloads.
  3. Open Command Prompt as administrator(you can search for cmd in Windows Search and choose Run as administrator from the menu on the right).
  4. In the User Account Controlwindow, click Yes .
  5. In the Command Prompt type cdgive a space , paste the path where you extracted the contents of the ViveTool folder and hit Enter . In our case, for example, the command to execute will be:


cd C: \ Users \ filip \ Downloads \ ViveTool

  1. At this point, paste the following command:

. \ ViVeTool.exe addconfig 30848613 2

and hit Enter .

When your PC restarts, the ability to reopen the apps at the next login will be active on your PC . What do you think of the new feature being developed on Windows 10? Let us know in the comments.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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