Transferring data from iPhone to iPhone is a completely standard and absolutely uncomplicated procedure. There are at least three official ways to do this: restore a backup to a new device from iCloud , do the same, but using iTunes, or bring your old iPhone to a new one during setup and transfer directly. But both the one and the other, and the third method have their drawbacks. Direct transfer makes the main smartphone unusable for quite a long time, just the thought of connecting the iPhone to iTunes already blows like mothballs, and most users simply do not have enough free iCloud storage to transfer all the data without a trace. However, there is a way out.
Apple provides unlimited iCloud storage for free for backups
If you don’t have enough space in iCloud to save the backup that you planned to restore to a new device, this is not a problem. Starting this year, Apple provides all users who buy a new gadget with unlimited cloud storage for free. It allows you to save any amount of backup to iCloud, even if you are not a paid plan subscriber.
Not enough space for iPhone backup
To restore a backup from a temporary storage, you need to be the owner of a new device
This feature works on any Apple devices: iPhone, iPad or iPod, regardless of generation and price. The main thing is that the gadget is new. That is, not activated at the time of purchase. So, display cases, which are often sold at a discount and “almost new” devices, are not handy.
The extra storage in iCloud really isn’t limited in size. So you can upload any backup there, even if it weighs a whole terabyte. The main thing is to make sure that the device to which you are transferring your data has enough memory to fit everything that has been accumulated by back-breaking labor.
To use the additional storage function, it must be forcibly activated:
- Go to “Settings” and open “General”;
- Scroll and select “Reset or Transfer iPhone”;
Temporary storage can only be used on iOS 15
- In the window that opens at the top, click “Proceed”;
- Then select “Continue” and wait for the download;
Some apps won’t sync with iCloud
- Click “Transfer all app data using iCloud”;
- Wait for the backup to be saved and restore it when setting up a new iPhone.
Free iCloud storage
You may find that some of the apps you have installed on your device do not support iCloud syncing . Safari in particular is one of them. Most likely, this is due to the fact that in iOS 15 the browser received the function of end-to-end encryption of bookmarks, which is why it will not be possible to upload its data to the cloud and then unload it from there without any difficulties.
Backups in temporary storage are stored for a total of no longer than 42 days
Although the storage is unlimited, backups saved in this way are stored in the cloud for a limited time. Apple gives 21 days for this in the first phase and another 21 – in the second. If you do not have time to transfer data in three weeks, you will need to return to this section again and manually renew the storage.
Additional storage in its properties does not differ from the usual one at all. It allows you to save any data that is stored in the memory of your device, and then also restore them without any problems. This is very important for users who store a large number of photos and videos on the iPhone and do not upload them to iCloud.
A little clarification: the function of additional storage in iCloud is only available if you have upgraded to iOS 15. It is not available on earlier versions of the OS. In addition, you won’t be able to take advantage of the extra volume if your iCloud storage has more space than the app data stored on the device takes up. This volume needs to exceed the available space in the cloud.