For book lovers, the Amazon company created Kindle Unlimited , it works like a mobile library and is a paid subscription service that gives you access to a wide variety of different genres and authors, here you can find novels, science works fiction, fantasy, etc.
You will only have access to books that are published under the Amazon publisher , which are mostly independent authors and self-published books. It is ideal for readers who like to experiment and get out of their comfort zone, but it does not quite convince those classic bibliophiles.
How to cancel KINDLE Unlimited on Amazon Fire tablet? – Step by Step
If you are not happy with the Kindle Unlimited service, we will teach you step by step how to cancel the subscription on Amazon Fire devices, but we will also mention the advantages of having an active account and how to cancel the free trial period.
- How can I cancel my Kindle Unlimited subscription?
- How to cancel the Kindle Unlimited trial period?
- What should I consider before closing my Kindle Unlimited account?
- What can I do if I get a charge after canceling the subscription?
How can I cancel my Kindle Unlimited subscription?
It must be taken into account that Amazon Kindle Unlimited is a monthly subscription payment service , which will be automatically debited from the credit card, for this reason when canceling the account you will have to make sure you do not pay in advance and you are all your right to request a refund if the initial price has been changed.
It is possible to withdraw from the subscription at any time, when you proceed to cancel your benefits, these will remain active until the date of your next payment . With the steps presented below you can cancel your account without having any inconvenience.
- Sign in with your Amazon account to the Kindle Unlimited service.
- Go to ‘Accounts & Lists’, a drop down menu will open.
- We are located in the option ‘My Kindle Unlimited’, with this the Kindle Unlimited web page will open.
Once inside the Kindle Unlimited page we can see, ‘Your subscription plans’ and ‘My borrowed products’ . On the left side of this it will appear from what date you are a member and when is the next payment.
To cancel the subscription, we go to the bottom left of the screen, here the ‘Cancel subscription’ button will appear . In this way, you will no longer be a member of Kindle Unlimited and the account will not be charged again.
How to cancel the Kindle Unlimited trial period?
All web subscription services have a free trial period that is usually 30 days, and Kindle Unlimited offers this agreement for those users who want to enjoy all e-Book titles without having to pay anything for them .
After that time, the fee will be automatically recharged to the credit card that was associated with the account. To cancel this subscription before the surcharge, we must follow the steps below.
- We open the Kindle page.
- We select the option ‘Try it free for 30 days’.
- With the account assigned to us by Amazon, we entered.
- We click on the option to cancel the subscription.
What should I consider before closing my Kindle Unlimited account?
One of the most important features of this service is that in addition to being able to read on Kindle devices that are registered in your name, you can also access these books on any computer or mobile device, both Android and iPhone, just by downloading the Kindle official app.
Another consideration to take into account is that Kindle Unlimited is divided into several products, such as ebooks, audiobooks, comics and electronic magazines , from here it is that the more than one million titles that are increasing day by day are made up. which you can access.
If we decide to close the account, the books we purchased on the Kindle will no longer belong to us. Therefore, once the subscription is canceled we will no longer have access to the downloaded content . However, the notes that have been made on those books will be saved in the official Amazon account .
What can I do if I get a charge after canceling the subscription?
If there is a charge on the credit card associated with Kindle Unlimited after canceling the subscription, we can request a refund of the fee charged , as long as we do it within 14 days from the date of registration and we have not used from service.
We must also verify that there is no other email registered with Amazon with an active subscription. If so, we proceed to follow the steps described in this article to cancel the service. In any case, we can contact Amazon’s ‘Customer Service’ to formalize a claim.