How to cancel Audible on my Amazon Fire tablet permanently?

Audible’s membership service offers the world’s largest selection of audiobooks , it has many benefits, but it could also have some negative aspects, such as cost, which would influence the main reason to cancel the subscription. Audible makes it easy for you to cancel via their official website .

In this article you will learn the way in which you can cancel your membership , without complications, you will know the benefits you acquire and those you lose when you stop being an Audible member. You will know everything related to the issue of refunds, how you can access the audiobooks in your library and more.

How to Cancel Audible on my Amazon Fire Tablet Permanently?

Index( )

  1. What benefits do I get when I pay for an Amazon Audible subscription?
  2. Is it possible to cancel my Audible subscription from my tablet?
  3. If I cancel my subscription, will I get a refund for unused credits?
  4. Will I be able to access my Catalog Plus titles when I cancel my subscription?
  5. Will canceling my Audible subscription keep my audiobooks?

What benefits do I get when I pay for an Amazon Audible subscription?

Audible offers you monthly and yearly credits , for limited periods. If you are considering paying for a subscription at Audible, here are the benefits they currently offer:

  1. One credit towards any Premium category title, available to Premium Plus members.
  2. Discount, up to 30%off additional purchases you make within the Premium selection and access to exclusive sales.
  3. Access to a large number of audiobooks, podcasts and more.
  4. Loans with a duration of 12 months.

The number of credits you can receive on a monthly or annual basis will depend on the type of plan you choose. These plans can be suspended once a year , with a duration of 3 months.

If you are an Amazon Prime member , you can also enjoy the benefits offered by Audible, you can start a trial with two credits, that is, with two titles that you can purchase from the Premium selection. In addition, to receive a credit per month.

Is it possible to cancel my Audible subscription from my tablet?

Audible will not allow you to cancel your subscription from your tablet or mobile application, for this you must go to the desktop version , in order to access the site you must do so from a browser, such as Chrome, and follow the following steps:

  1. Sign in to yourAudible account.
  2. Go to the dropdown arrow next to your name.
  3. Select ‘Account Details’.
  4. Locate yourself at the bottom of ‘See membership details’
  5. Select the ‘Cancel Membership’ option.
  6. Fill in the text field that will appear, where you will give your reasons or motives for canceling the membership.

Amazon could offer you other alternatives that adapt to your needs so that you continue subscribed, if you are not interested you must select the option ‘Cancel membership’ and finally a confirmation message will arrive to your email. It should be noted that prepaid plans are not cancelled. 

If you want to cancel Audible or any subscription on your Amazon Fire tablet, you can do so by deactivating your device from the website. You will have to go to ‘Manage your content and devices’, select ‘ Amazon applications installed on devices ‘ and choose the ‘Unsubscribe’ option on the device you want to deactivate.

If I cancel my subscription, will I get a refund for unused credits?

We recommend that you use your credits, if you keep them, before canceling the subscription. Once the subscription is canceled you will not receive a refund , that is, the unused credits will be canceled along with the subscription.

After canceling you will lose all benefits provided for Audible members. The credits cannot be transferred , so take advantage of them before canceling the membership. You can do it before your next billing date starts.

Will I be able to access my Catalog Plus titles when I cancel my subscription?

Even if you have decided to cancel your membership, any title in the catalog that you have purchased with a credit card will remain yours , because when you buy a title you immediately acquire the rights.

Titles will remain in your library indefinitely , if you haven’t deleted them. You will be able to access them and listen to them whenever you want. A lock icon will appear next to any catalog titles you’ve added to your library.

If you want to enjoy more eBooks in your Audible Plus catalog, you will need to renew your membership , since at the time of registering with Audible the membership is set to renew automatically at the end of the given period of time.

Will canceling my Audible subscription keep my audiobooks?

You can continue listening to your favorite collection of audiobooks , keep using them in your old library, and you can download them again. Even without having a membership you will be able to access and enjoy them.


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