How To Fix Wi-Fi connection error 0x00028002

When we try to connect to the Internet through Wi-Fi, sometimes problems appear. These failures usually translate into poor coverage, loss of speed or stability. But sometimes it might even be impossible to connect. In this article we are going to talk about error 0x00028002 . We are going to explain why it appears and what to do to solve it so that our equipment connects to the network normally.

Why does the error 0x00028002 appear

Usually the 0x00028002 fault appears due to some problem with the network controller . For example, that the adapter drivers are outdated, that in some previous update there has been an error and it has not finished correctly or that even at the operating system level there is a problem with the version we use.

Another reason is a conflict with the drivers and the system caused by some configuration change , for example. This will cause it to malfunction, the computer will not detect the adapter as it should, and will result in no connection. Maybe some error while saving the network, for example.

But it can also happen that it is a physical failure of both the router and the adapter itself. It is the least frequent, but if it is damaged it could also give rise to this problem and prevent us from connecting normally to the network.

Whatever the reason for the error, this problem will cause us to not be able to connect to Wi-Fi correctly. We will have complications to navigate or use any program that needs access to the network.

Steps to fix fault 0x00028002

We have explained the main causes of the Wi-Fi error 0x00028002. Now, what can we do to fix it? Luckily we have at our disposal a series of simple options that can be very useful to solve the problem and be able to navigate without complications.

Update windows

The first thing to do is update Windows to the latest version . One of the most common causes of the 0x00028002 bug that affects Wi-Fi, as well as others like it, is that the operating system is not updated correctly. This can cause conflicts and prevent it from working properly.

Therefore, what we are going to do is simply check that we have Windows updated to the latest version. In case we have something pending, it should be updated as soon as possible. Sometimes it can even happen that an update has been half-done.

To update Windows we have to go to Start, we go into Settings, we go to Update and security and there we will see possible updates available and that we must install. Even if there were any that we tried to install previously and it did not finish, it will also show us so we can see the failure.

Check that the drivers are properly installed

Do we have the network card drivers installed and are they also up-to-date? Without a doubt, this is essential so that the Wi-Fi works well and that no errors appear. As in the previous case, an update that has not finished or directly have outdated drivers, may be the reason.

In this case, what we have to do is go to Start, we enter the Device Manager, we go to Network adapters and there we select the corresponding Wi-Fi card. We have to click with the right mouse button and we click Update driver.

Additionally, if this does not solve the problem and we believe that there may have been a failure with a previous update, we can click Disable device and then enable it again. This will reinstall the drivers from scratch.

Forget the Wi-Fi network

Another very simple method to consider is to forget the Wi-Fi network . When we connect to a network, the computer stores the name and the password to link it. In this way, it is possible that we connect automatically without having to always select it.

But there is an option which is Forget the network. What this does is delete that record and the corresponding Wi-Fi stops appearing as we have already used it and we would have to start it again and put the password. It’s basically like we’ve never connected.

To do this we have to go to the Wi-Fi icon that appears in the Windows task bar, next to the clock, we click with the second mouse button on the corresponding network and we click Stop remembering . It will automatically appear as one more in the list that we have never connected to.

Reset network settings

If after updating Windows, the drivers and trying to forget the network we see that everything remains the same, we can also reset the network settings. This will return them to the way they were by default. It is very useful if we have installed something or touched any parameter of the configuration.

We have to go to Start, we enter Settings, we go to Network and Internet and there we look for Network Reset . You have to click there and follow the process that it shows us. This will return the network adapters and their settings to the default values.

Restart the router

But we have also seen that the problem may be on the part of the router . In case there is a major hardware failure, we will probably have to change the device. But this would be something remote, something that does not usually happen.

The most common when it comes to router failures is that there is some conflict or saturation in the requests. For example, we have many devices connected and the device cannot work properly and becomes saturated. This, luckily, has an easy solution.

We must restart the router . However, it is not enough to turn it off and on again immediately. For this restart to be done correctly, what we are going to do is keep it off for at least 30 seconds and then turn it on. This will allow the restart to take effect.

Ultimately, if we run into error 0x00028002 that affects Wi-Fi, we could run out of connectivity. It usually occurs due to failures at the configuration and software level, but also due to a problem with the router. We have explained what we must do to solve it and be able to navigate the Internet correctly.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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