How to enter or log in to my Spotify account with or without Facebook?

Music is a theme that really is synchronized with the personality of the person who listens to it, and that is that there are as many styles and musical genres as there are personalities around the globe. That is why the trade in it is astonishingly wide.

Therefore, many companies have been in charge of generating services for profit through this art , as is the case with Spotify . Which is one of the most famous servers for Android cell phones for displaying and playing music.

What is Spotify?

What is Spotify and its uses ? So, Spotify is a service with which we can listen to digital music and videos, with a library of millions of songs and other types of audios generated by artists from all over the world. Which is currently well known to smartphone users.

This service mainly has two options for use, the free option and the Premium option . The second being very interesting, because it unlocks several very useful options for its consumers.

Similarly, among the most outstanding features of Spotify, is choosing what type of music you want to listen to , through a browser of the Spotify system. You can also receive recommendations that are normally generated in relation to the history, you can even create totally personalized and unique radio stations, make playlists , close the session, etc.

How do I download Spotify?

There are two main ways to download Spotify, the first is the download that is done to a computer or a laptop . The second is through a smart phone .

In the case of the first option, we only have to access the official Spotify download site, we can get it at this link.  Once I enter the page, you must continue installing the file like any other.

In the second case it will depend on which operating system is installed on the cell phone. That is, if the cell phone we use has Android , we proceed to search through Google Play ; If, on the other hand, the device uses the iOS system , we search for the program in the App Store .

In either of the two main cases the installation process is very simple, on the computer we open the installer and select the option «Next» until the completion message appears, on Android cell phones we only click «Download», which it will automatically make the program install itself.

What other servers are there to listen to music?

Spotify has really earned the respect of many users, but it is still not the only application that allows such a purpose. We also find Google Play Music , which also has a good number of users on its platform, since it is by default on Android.

And furthermore, the simple fact of having the Google domain in your name gives you great relevance to new users. We also have platforms such as Soundcloud and  YouTube Music , which have very different functions and tools than Spotify, capturing the attention of other users.

How to enter or log in to my Spotify account with or without Facebook?

In order to enter Spotify with your account, it is necessary first of all to have said application downloaded, be it a computer or a Smartphone. In both cases, to start a normal session, we only have to enter the email with which we registered in the first box and the password in the second.

Now, if we want to log in with Facebook , we just have to select the option “continue with Facebook” . It is very important to have the Facebook account open before checking the option. When we open the Facebook permission request, we accept it and the program will automatically open.

When the load is finished, in both cases we will see our profile data with which we will listen to the music we like. The advantage of having a single profile is that the application will recommend content of our choice, and therefore the experience will be much more pleasant.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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