How to do XP on Fortnite

You have just started playing Fortnite and you still don’t understand how the experience points system works, so you would like some suggestions about it. To be precise, you would like to learn how to level up your character in the shortest time possible, so you opened Google and looked for a guide that would teach you how to do it, ending up on this tutorial of mine. Well, I am happy to tell you that you have just landed on the right page at the right time!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will explain how to do XP on Fortnite  helping you to understand the way in which the Epic Games title assigns experience points: in this way, you will be able to find the fastest techniques to level up your character, possibly without having to spend money making in-game purchases of various kinds and acting from any platform (PC, console or portable devices).

Courage: what are you still doing standing there? Do you want to increase your character’s experience in Fortnite or not? Yup? Perfect, then read and put into practice the short procedures that you find below. I assure you that, in a few minutes, you will have learned everything you need to know to acquire experience points in the famous Epic Games title. At this point, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and, above all, have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to EXP on Fortnite
  • How to do a lot of XP on Fortnite

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to do XP on Fornite , I think it is of fundamental importance to explain to you what the experience points are for and how they can be obtained in the Epic Games title.

Well, experience points (EXP) are used to level up your character and then unlock the skins and other rewards offered by the Battle Pass : it is, therefore, the only free way to unlock the costumes on the skin page. unlockables and other interesting content.

Each Season has 100 levels and the Battle Pass is divided into the free and the paid one. The cost of the latter is set at 950 V-Buck and each level can be skipped by paying 150 V-Buck . The V-Bucks, if you don’t know it, are the virtual currency of the game, which can be obtained both through the acquisition of experience points with the Battle Pass and through microtransactions and therefore the outlay of real money.

For more details on the virtual currency of the Epic Games title, I suggest you take a look at my guides on how to get V-Buck on Fortnite and how to shop on Fortnite PS4 .

I remind you that, at the end of each Season,  all the experience points you have accumulated will be reset and you will therefore have to start from scratch with the levels of your character, while maintaining the rewards you have obtained through the Battle Pass.

How to EXP on Fortnite

As you may have guessed, gaining experience on Fortnite is quite important in being able to stand out from other players.

But how do you get these experience points? The answer is very simple: by playing . In fact, the only way to increase experience points (EXP) is to have fun with Fortnite normally. Each minute of survival on the playing field, starting from the appearance of the first circle of the Storm, is equivalent to 17 experience points , while the first kill is worth 50 EXP . From the second kill onwards, instead, you receive 20 experience points .

Unlike other games, assists don’t provide any kind of EXP. In addition to this, the final position you reach during the game gives you a lot of experience points. First place is worth 300 EXP , finishing in the top 10 grants 100 EXP and placing in the top 20 grants 25 EXP . In short: to raise the level of your character, you just have to play!

How to do a lot of XP on Fortnite

How do you say? Would you like to learn how to earn experience points in Fortnite in the fastest way possible ? No problem: Epic Games has also thought of this and has made available to players some features related to the increase of EXP points.

The fastest way to level up your character is to buy the Battle Pass for a fee , which costs 950 V-Buck (with 9.99 euros you get 1000 V-Buck). In fact, in addition to allowing the unlocking of many skins, the latter includes a 50% bonus that increases all the experience points that are earned during the games.

In addition to this, continuing in the Battle Pass you get additional bonuses of 10%, which can bring the total personal bonus up to 120%. This is further increased if you play together with another user who has the paid Battle Pass, up to a total bonus of 160% .

As if this were not enough, the Epic Games title gives the player 1,000 EXP every time he reaches one of the levels of the Battle Pass that has this reward. Unfortunately, I cannot be more precise with my indications, as each Season is different and brings many new features in this sense.

Another effective way to earn EXP is to participate in the daily and weekly challenges : these are listed directly on the game’s home page, often appear on the screen during the game and the complete list can be found in the CHALLENGES section .

By reading and completing the objectives proposed by the game, you can get to earn huge amounts of experience points: think that you could even reach 35,000 EXP for each Season !

I recommend that you also participate in the Double Experience events , which are organized from time to time by the Fortnite developers.

During these periods, each action made in the game provides double the experience points compared to the basic expected ones. To stay up to date on this type of initiative, I invite you to keep an eye on the official Fortnite website


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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