What you need to know to win more games in Fortnite

Fortnite is the biggest success in online games in recent years. A simple mechanic, players land on an island with all kinds of hidden objects and weapons, whoever survives wins . And to win these tricks are important that will improve your results.

Released in 2017 by Epic Games , Fortnite is a multiplatform online game available, depending on scenarios, on Windows, Mac OS, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series XIS, Nintendo Switch, and Android . Initially we could also download it from the APP Store for iOS, but it is not currently available.

Before playing

There are some important considerations to prepare your setup properly, get the most out of it, and improve game performance.

Using Headphones

It is essential to use headphones to hear all the sounds of the battle , if you do not do it you will lose skills over the rest. It is important to play with headphones because the audio quality is much better, you will hear the opening of chests, changes of weapons, the opponents’ vehicles or the opponents themselves approaching from behind us and many other sounds that you can escape without the headphones.

Control customization

The default controls may not be the best, it depends on your command ability. It is important that we configure them, especially when we are starting, to favor rapid construction, in this way we can defend ourselves more easily in situations of trouble.

Another important aspect is that we configure the sensitivity of horizontal and vertical movements in the way that we feel more comfortable, try different values ​​to adjust it to your way of playing and be able to aim better and faster. In the mouse settings, it is highly recommended to disable the acceleration so that there are no alterations in the movements. As for the sensitivity, it is recommended to adjust it between 400 and 100 DPI (dots per inch), although the range is wide, it is recommended that you do several tests to see which sensitivity is best suited to you.

Improve performance

When we suffer performance drops in Fortnite or we simply want the game to run more fluid, we have several interesting tricks. On the one hand, we recommend lowering the sound quality and deactivating the 3D sound , you will notice a significant improvement in the performance of the game. Do not be alarmed, this is a reduction in the types of sound that will be reproduced and not a decrease in their quality.

Lowering the quality of the graphics on the screen is another parameter that significantly affects the performance of the game, sometimes it is the determining factor to obtain a better performance. You lower the quality of textures, effects, and so on. In any case, we can play with different types of settings until we get an adequate performance with the best possible audio and image settings.

Location on the map

The strategy when moving around the stage is as important as winning games by hiding in key places.

Choose your landing site well

Knowing the map well will be a point in our favor. Weapons, chests, etc., when they appear, they do so in the same place. This is why if we focus on dominating the map we will have several points in our favor. We know where what we are looking for is (weapons, chests …), so we will go straight for our favorite weapon while the rest continue looking.

When we dominate the map, or a larger area at least, it is important to land in a populated area , with a good concentration of adversaries. Thus we will take advantage of that advantage and the knowledge of the place, the location of weapons and chests, all to eliminate enemies easily. Another common mistake is landing in high areas because we think that we will arrive earlier, just the opposite, in high areas the parachute opens much earlier, it is better that we hurry in any other territory without opening the parachute and we will arrive before the combat terrain. The ideal is to open the parachute in the lowest area that we have within our reach, such as the sea at the edges, for example.

Use vehicles

You can drive on the terrain with different types of vehicles. This has a very clear advantage, you move faster around the map and this makes it easier for us to quickly reach the enemies and eliminate them. The use of vehicles has another very important disadvantage, so we must have a head when choosing them, and that is that it is the best signal to show our location to the enemy.

Driving a vehicle they will see and listen to us at all times. We can quickly head to an area of ​​the map, but they are probably waiting for us with loaded weapons. Depending on the scenario and the game mode, we will find different vehicles in different locations. But the variety of vehicles is wide, we will find: cars, trucks and vans …

Look for the height

High places give you more perspective and we can better locate the enemy to try long-distance shots. On the contrary, the height can also easily put us in the crosshairs, so it is important that we move with speed and do not remain stopped for a long time in the same place.

If we reach height by climbing on the roof instead of a hill, for example, it is important that we bear in mind that the construction can be destroyed and we would end up in a complicated situation.

The house by the roof

When many of the users enter the buildings from the ground floor, it is advisable for us to start with the roof . Entering from the top, even gliding from the bus, it is easier to find items and ammunition. Once the area has been inspected, and if we do not notice the presence of enemies on the lower floors, we will go down to the main entrance.

If, on the other hand, we access a building from the ground floor, it is likely that they are waiting for us in higher areas with the danger that this implies. To avoid that situation, we go out, build a ramp , and regain the advantage by positioning ourselves on the roof.

Be cautious

Saving a propellant for the last circle will be essential to win a game. This will allow us to build a large structure where we can see the entire battlefield. Thus, we will see the location of the last circle and the arrival of the rest of the users, we will have a privileged position.

Another moment in which we should not do things without thinking occurs when we play in squads. We must be very cautious before reviving a partner . If it has been lying in a clear area, it is likely that there are snipers waiting for us, or if it is between buildings we can feel the presence of enemies very close. It is advisable to build a structure that protects you before we come to your rescue.

Be quiet

Just as we recommended the use of headphones to have a better ability to hear the enemy, now we warn you otherwise. Be careful not to make noise near your opponents so that they do not discover you or know where you are, for this we will walk crouching, and it will be more difficult for them to hear your steps.

We will always move very carefully not to be discovered, crouching if necessary. Always keeping in mind that the longer we take to move, the more chances there are that a distant bullet will hit us. The change of weapons is one of the noisiest actions by which you can be discovered, it is important to choose the right moment if you want to sneak past melee actions.

Build with your head

It is recommended that we save our fortification for last , when the map narrows. With the storm pressing we will build our building with traps and hiding places to eliminate anyone who approaches and have a privileged position and be able to control the movements of the enemy.

Since we’ve set up the controls to build quickly, we’ll take advantage of this when nearby shots are heard. The first thing we will do is locate the source of the shots. Moving slightly, jumping and crouching, we will avoid reducing the impact of the shots received at the time of starting to build. We will do it in the direction of the shots to create a shield that protects us and allows us to flee to safety.


Weapons are the essence of Fortnite, there are all kinds and, above all, short, medium and long distances so that we use them depending on our combat style.

Choose the weapon well

Each situation, each one of us, has a favorite weapon or with which we cope better. It is important to know how to choose the weapon well and not take other weapons that, no matter how powerful, we do not know how to use them well. Also, each weapon has a range distance and it is important to control it. You cannot pick up a sniper rifle to shoot an enemy two meters away from you. Start with the assault rifle and when you master it you move on to other types of weapons.

Once we have mastered the game and have three assault rifles, we will start by shortening distances with submachine guns or shotguns, very efficient at short distances. When we develop with the short distance weapons we will move on to the sniper rifle, which is generally the most difficult to master.

The distribution of weapons in your arsenal is very personal, you can have several assault rifles to ensure dominance in medium distances or have a weapon of each type: submachine gun or shotgun for short range, assault rifle for medium distances or sniper rifle for long distances.


Attack and defense strategies are important both in Battle Royale and playing in squads or Duos Mode.

Trace of the enemy

It may seem like a very obvious aspect, but it is equally important to know how to recognize the trail of an enemy. If we see several objects on the ground in a straight line we will know that an enemy has been managing their possessions. As we all manage our weapons without stopping, for safety reasons, the trail we leave indicates the direction in which we are moving. We must be very careful, that we know the direction of the enemy also implies that it may be waiting for us with its best weapons.

Distracting action

A very interesting and particularly fun strategy is the distraction of the enemy. If we locate one or more opponents, we can launch an explosive in an area close to them , as long as that area is in our firing range. With the explosion, and instinctively, they will go to that area and we can lay the perfect ambush.

Although it may seem like a very predictable action, on many occasions users approach the area of ​​the explosion by pure reflex action.

Squad Strategy or Duos Mode

When playing in squads or in Duos Mode and you take down an enemy, it is very important that we get away from the “crime zone” without obsessing about eliminating them completely. His companions will be on the lookout and will come to revive him. This is why we can suffer the same end. If we separate and protect ourselves we can continue attacking the badly injured opponent and the rest of the members of the rival squad. In fact, he will die as long as we prevent anyone from coming to revive him.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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