How to delete Snapchat history

If you are a Snapchat user, you should know that it is possible to delete or delete Snapchat history. It is a way to protect your privacy. Doing so is very simple, and they can be eliminated from the app’s own settings.

How Can I Clear or Delete Snapchat History

Although Snapchat is the most used application by young audiences, since everything you share remains on the platform for a very short time before it is deleted, it may happen that you do not want some data to be saved.

To be able to delete the history of your searches, enter the settings, it is located at the top right of the screen. In the menu you have, click on « Delete conversations » and finally “ Ok ” to confirm.
Whenever you search for something, it is saved:

  • Your approximate location.
  • The time.

After seven days, save a less certain value of your location for 23 days.
You can delete this information from “Settings> Delete search history”. Snapchat history includes recently sent and received Snaps , sender, recipient, Snap type, and date.

How can I delete Snapchat messages

If you want to delete a Snap that you published in the last 90 days in your story , you should go to “Settings> Snaps of Our Story” to view the Snaps

Find and select the one you want to delete. Click on the trash can, remember that it will also be deleted from the search and from the Map.

You can delete any Snaps or chat at any time. Just go to the chat you want to delete, hold it down and click on ” Delete “. However, snaps and chats are automatically deleted after they have been viewed or expired.

In the case of snaps, they are deleted by default once they have been viewed by all recipients. In the event that they have not read them, they will be deleted after 30 days. If it was sent to a group, it will be deleted after 24 hours if they were not opened.

For individual chats, they will be deleted when they are both opened and exited from the Chat screen by default. However, you can change the settings so that they are deleted after 24 hours from the settings.

However, individual chat messages that were not opened after 30 days will be deleted. In group chats, messages will be deleted after 24 hours, even if they haven’t been seen by everyone.

You can save a Chat message by holding it down, they will be displayed with a gray background. Also, if you want to stop saving it, keep it pressed.

How to delete other items on Snapchat

Stories, as in other social networks, remain only for 24 hours and you can delete them at any time. Keep in mind that your story can only have up to 1000 snaps. If it gets over it, the newer snaps will replace the older ones. However, you have the option to remove them from a story.

Another important piece of information is that other people who see your story can take a screenshot of it. Snapchat also saves memories so you can view them whenever you want as it backs up. But if you delete them, the servers of this app will delete it at the time, so that you will not be able to access them again.

Memories keeps the Snaps and Stories that you save so that you can recall them whenever you want. Snapchat backs up Memories.

As you can see, you can delete or delete the history of anything that happens Snapchat to protect your privacy. If you have questions about this tutorial, leave it in the comments


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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