How to delete a story already uploaded on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a messaging application characterized by its infinity of filters that can be applied to your messages and Stories. It also allows many modifications to different aspects, for example you can delete a story within 24 hours . How? Here you will see

Index(  )

  1. What to keep in mind before uploading a story on your Snapchat?
    1. Capture your stories
    2. Viral visualization
  2. How to save a Snapchat story before deleting it?
  3. How to delete a story already uploaded on Snapchat?
  4. Where to customize the list of people who can see your stories?

What to keep in mind before uploading a story on your Snapchat?

If you have used other instant messaging networks, then you can easily use Snapchat, because its application is very similar in its operation. Like the others, you can make a series of changes such as: delete messages , contacts, add filter, among others.

However, something that stood out to this application in its beginnings was its innovative function of publishing Stories , this made it so popular that it added many records. But after other platforms incorporated this feature into their applications, its popularity dropped a bit.

Now, before uploading a story, it is good to take into account some aspects that will lead to a good publication. First, stories are multiple photos or images that you post in a section of your application to be seen by multiple users in a 24-hour period.

In exchange, snapshots are a series of images that you can send to a contact and if you want several to see it, you have to repeat the process as many users as you want. In addition, the series is not guaranteed to be in the order you submitted and its duration to be viewed is much shorter. That is why some prefer the use of stories

Capture your stories

If a friend sends you a message and you take a snapshot for any purpose, the app will automatically alert your friend to the action you did. Although whenever a law is made, others seek to circumvent it, the objective of this policy is to prevent you from using information to which you are not authorized .

Viral visualization

This application added a section similar to that of TikTok to its functions to make your publications go viral. If you want your story to go viral, you should try to keep it very short to ensure that others see it in full. Also that it has an attractive and fun content. Another important aspect is that the more people you follow, the more people will follow you and see your stories and try to make daily posts.

How to save a Snapchat story before deleting it?

If you are going to delete a story because you no longer like what you posted, you can save the entire story or just some of the photos that are in the series on your device . The good thing about stories lasting 24 hours is that if you want to save it, you have enough time unlike messages that are deleted very quickly.

To save you must start the application session , then go to your profile and in the stories section there will be a bar that in the corner will have the symbol of a down arrow that indicates download. You must press there for the photos to be saved.

How to delete a story already uploaded on Snapchat?

To delete it, you must remember that each story is made up of several photos and you cannot delete them all at the same time . This is an advantage if you do not want to delete the entire story, but if you do not want to leave any trace, you must be patient because you must repeat the process several times.

To delete each photo you must go to the My story section to see each of the images, you must click on the publication to see a bar where a garbage can will be, which you must press twice to delete. This procedure must be repeated as many photos you want to delete.

Where to customize the list of people who can see your stories?

If you want to change the privacy settings of your stories , you must locate the nut that symbolizes the settings on your profile and press it. Then you slide through the menu until you find Who can, this section leads you to determine the degree of privacy of your messages or stories. 

Once you are in the stories section, you have three options to choose your privacy, that is, you want the stories to be public, only seen by your friends, or personalized. That way you will know which people can see them.