How to create a table of contents in Google Docs?

Google Docs is a word processor and spreadsheet, it is very complete. It allows you to edit, create new documents and publish documents online , saving you time. If you want to use this powerful processor, you just have to have a Gmail account and have internet, so you can make use of all the functions of Google Docs .

Index(  )

  1. What is the correct way to create an index in Docs?
  2. Can I insert a table of contents wherever I want in Google Docs?
  3. How is a table centered in Google Docs?
  4. How to customize and assign a design to your tables?
  5. How can I edit a ready-made table of contents?

What is the correct way to create an index in Docs?

If you want to organize your documents using Docs, we will show you the correct way to create an Index in Google Docs. The indexes allow you to see the content of the document, each element of the index is linked to the titles or the headings of the document.

If you are working on a computer this is the way to create it. You open a file in Google Docs , a blank sheet for example. In the place where you want to create the index you click. In the top bar you will see the Insert option, you click. You will see a menu , at the end of that menu is the Index option. They will give you options to create the index, just choose the one that suits you best.

In case of working from an Android, the option to create an Index is not available. If you use an iPhone or iPad, in order to access the Index option you must make sure that the Print Design option is active and the document where you are going to create the index must already be finished, that is, have the text with the header style format or title. After this the steps are similar to those in the previous paragraph.

Can I insert a table of contents wherever I want in Google Docs?

Like the indexes, a table of contents helps us find what we need more quickly , if it is a long document, the table of contents or the index will help us to locate ourselves at once in what interests us, we are going to answer this Question, can you insert a table of contents wherever I want in Google Docs?

If you can insert it where it seems best to you, you just have to choose the position you want the table of contents to appear . Many word processors have the option to create these tables of contents automatically, you just have to ask and Google Docs has this option. You just have to tell Google Docs how you want it, it is necessary to indicate where the titles and subtitles are, for this you must use the header option.

When finished with the headings it is time to create the table of contents, just click on insert, in the final part of the menu that opens, look for Table of contents or index, and select the one you like. You may also be interested in learning how to insert images into Google Docs.

How is a table centered in Google Docs?

If you have inserted a table and want to center its content, this is easy to do. To center all the content of a table you must select the entire table, and with the mouse or the right button, click inside the table, a menu will appear, look for the Table Properties option .

You will see a box with the properties of the table such as: the borders of the table, color of the background of the cells, the vertical alignment of the cells, the dimensions, the height of each cell and the alignment of the table. In Table Alignment you will choose how you want it to look, in this case centered, choose the center option and click OK.

How to customize and assign a design to your tables?

To customize and assign a design to your tables this is what you should do, already in the Google Docs document, you select the cell or cells you want to change, in the toolbar choose with a click the style you want to use , now be it changing the border color, border width or background color.

How can I edit a ready-made table of contents?

If you have to edit a ready-made table of contents, this is the way to do it. From the computer you are going to open the document in Google Docs. Add the new header or edit the one to update. Click Update and the document will be ready. When you review the index you will notice that it has been updated. Once the document is ready, Google Docs gives you the option to share it by mail if you want.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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