How to connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi network without a password

When we come to visit friends and family, we may need to access a Wi-Fi network. Either to avoid consuming data or to download apps or any other task that requires intensive use of the internet. Luckily, there are two ways to quickly connect your iPhone to a new Wi-Fi network and avoid entering complicated passwords, let’s see what they are.

Share Wi-Fi access with another iPhone or iPad user

The first method to quickly connect to a new Wi-Fi network from iPhone is very simple. It is enough that another iPhone user is already connected to that network so that you can also take advantage of it. You just have to follow these steps:

  • Unlock the iPhone that already has access to the Wi-Fi network.
  • From your iPhone, try to connect to that network you want to access (it should be within your reach).
  • A prompt will appear on the first iPhone asking the user if they want to share that Wi-Fi password with a new iPhone.

You accept and ready. The second iPhone should be able to connect to the new network without the need to search and type those complicated passwords that all Wi-Fi has. Note that both iPhones must be within range of the Wi-Fi network. It won’t work if you meet somewhere else.

Connect to a new Wi-Fi network with the iPhone camera

The iPhone camera is one of the most powerful and versatile on the market. What many users do not know is that it can be used for more than taking photos or taking videos . Through the camera we can connect with the iPhone to an unknown Wi-Fi network without having to type complicated passwords.

The process is very simple, although it needs us to ensure some previous settings. On your iPhone, check the following: Go to Settings > Camera and turn on the Scan QR Codes option. You will also need the Wi-Fi router to have a QR code that allows you to access it without entering the password or looking for its ID (you can create a QR so as not to reveal the password when sharing your Wi-Fi with the iPhone ).

With this done, just open the iPhone Camera app and focus on the QR code . It is usually complicated, since the routers are in a place that is sometimes difficult to lift and illuminate.

Now, keep the camera pointed at the QR code and you will see how a notification is displayed. Just press it and a dialog will appear to know if we want to connect to this new Wi-Fi network. By accepting, we will be inside.


Sharing your Wi-Fi with the iPhone without revealing your password is as easy as creating a QR

These are two little tricks that will save us a lot of time. Especially if we combine them, connecting an iPhone first with the QR and then sharing the credentials with other users later.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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