How to change the seasons in the forest elsewhere in the new Pokémon add-on

The new Pokémon Snap is finally here, and you’re probably among the hordes of ’90s kids, and fans of the series in general, who can’t wait to dive into the Lental region and snap some cute photos. If you are here, you are probably already playing Elsewhere Forest and wondering how to do it. change the seasons in the forest elsewhere in New Pokemon Snap. Here’s everything we know so far.

How to change the seasons in the forest elsewhere in the new Pokémon add-on

So this is what we know. We know that Elsewhere Forest has four different seasons that you can go through and depending on the conditions, you will be able to see different types of Pokémon and pick up some that you did not have before.

At the time of this writing, as we know the stations can change, we don’t know if you can change them manually. At the moment, it appears that the change of season at Elsewhere Forest is unpredictable. When you go, you may have the season you want, you may not.

It would be a bit strange if you had no control over the changing of the seasons compared to everything else in the game, but it certainly may be just to complete luck. If so, keep trying until you get the season you want.

If we find a way to change the seasons in the forest elsewhere in New Pokemon Snap we will definitely update this post.

If you liked this guide, or just want answers to more frequently asked questions, check out our wiki guide here, which is full of other useful tips and tricks for New Pokemon Snap. Also, give our full review, written by series veteran Rebecca and dlprivateserver editor, if you want to know more about the game itself.