How to change the right click to the left mouse on Windows 10

Are you interested in using the mouse with your left hand or do you want to change the use of the mouse buttons ? So this guide on How to change the right click to the left mouse on Windows 10? It’s something you should read.

Through the following guide, we will tell you about the procedure to exchange the mouse buttons on the Windows 10 platform. A process that will undoubtedly be very convenient in certain circumstances, and especially more in the case that you are left-handed.

To change the primary mouse button from right to left in Windows 10, you can follow these steps presented in a tabular format:

Step Action
1 Open the ‘Settings’ app
2 Click on ‘Devices’
3 Select ‘Mouse’ from the left-hand menu
4 Under ‘Select your primary button’, choose ‘Left’
5 Close the Settings app

This will switch the functions of the left and right buttons on your mouse, making the left button perform the primary click actions typically associated with the right button.

Changing mouse buttons

Today, practically everyone uses computers with relative constancy, be it to play or directly to work. Undoubtedly, they represent one of the most significant advances in the history of humanity and are an essential tool on a daily basis.

Understanding the large number of people who use computers, it goes without saying that they are also used by lefties. It is before this, that the need arises to configure the mouse for left-handed people on the PC .

Indeed, if you are left-handed, it is quite possible for you to change the mouse settings, exchanging the main and secondary buttons . In turn, if for some reason you cannot use the main button, be it because it has been damaged or for any other reason, using the right button as the main button is a good alternative.

If you want to change the main mouse button, then you should read the following information where we will teach you how to perform this procedure in Windows 10.

How to change the right click to the left mouse on Windows 10?

Undoubtedly, on certain occasions it is necessary to change the configuration of the buttons in Windows 10. It is a very simple process, but it can be very convenient for many people, especially for those who use the left hand to use the mouse . Also, you may want to know how much DPI sensitivity your mouse currently has, especially when playing games.

Change Windows 10 Right Click to Left Mouse Through System Settings

  1. For the first method to change the right click to the left in Windows 10, you will have to go to the system settings section. To do this, click on start and go to “Settings”.
  2. In the system configuration options, you have to find the “Devices” section.
  3. As you can see, multiple configuration tabs will appear on the left side of the screen, in this case you must click on “Mouse”.
  4. The option to change the right and left button is right at the beginning, under the option “Select the primary button” you can choose which will be the main button, in this case you must select the “Right” option .

By performing the above settings, you will have changed the mouse button settings. As you can see, it is a very simple option to enable. In any case, if for some reason you cannot access this setting, we also have another method.

Configure mouse buttons via control panel

  1. The first thing to do is go to the control panel, this can be done by pressing the start button and looking for “Control Panel” . When you find the option, click on it.
  2. Once you are inside the control panel, go to the “Hardware and sound” section, here you will find all the options related to the system devices, including the mouse as well.
  3. Press on “Mouse”, after this all the options related to the mouse will appear on the screen.
  4. In the first tab “Buttons” you will find the option “Button configuration”. It is in this place that you must enable “Swap primary and secondary buttons” , after which the primary and secondary mouse buttons will be exchanged.

With the above methods you can change the primary button for the secondary button and vice versa, undoubtedly an essential option if you are left-handed or have problems with the left button. Also, you can choose to change and increase the speed of the mouse pointer according to your tastes and preferences.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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