How to change the color of folders in Ubuntu

When on a computer, customization is a very big component to any user’s experience within any type of operating system . This covers everything that the user can see, covering not only how certain programs or the wallpaper look , but also folders.

The fact that a user changes how certain folders look, makes the process of identifying a folder extremely simple, even if the color of one is changed, being a fairly effective way to highlight the location of certain files.

When the pain of a folder is changed, you get a very good way to create a visual cue through which we can quickly identify a folder with specific contents.

However, it is not something that can be done commonly in any operating system , as it is in all versions of Ubuntu , but it is possible to carry out the color change process if we want it so much through a particular tool.

If what we want is to change the color of any folder we want, we must resort to a program called Folder Color, which will let you change the color of any folder we want within our user. And, best of all, you can not only change the color of a single folder, but of all folders as we see fit.

In addition, you can also decorate folders with some kind of emblem, to make the identification process much easier, not to mention the fact that its source code is completely public , which allows you to download it not only for Ubuntu, but also for Arch, LiuxMint, and more. So if you’re interested in getting Folder Color and using it, check out what you need to know below.

Installing Folder Color on your system

Folder Color is extremely easy to download directly to your computer, since you only need a terminal window to do it without too many detours, do this:

  • First, open a terminal window by pressing the Alt + Ctrl + T keys , and type the following line will follow the Enter key: sudo aptinstall folder-color.
  • Then you will see that the data packets will be downloaded and you will be told how much space they will occupy, so proceed by pressing the “S” key .
  • Now, you just have to wait for everything to download properly and install, but don’t worry because the window will let you know when the process is ready and once it is ready you will have to restart Nautilus with the following line of code ” nautilus – q “.

Using Folder Color within Nautilus

Once you have successfully downloaded Folder Color , you can start using Folder Color as you see fit, which we can do by going to any folder that we want to modify and right-clicking on it and going to the new option that we will see of “Color folder ”.

Within this same option we can see all kinds of pre-designed colors so that we can put a new one in the folder, and with a click on any one we will make it change the color immediately, but if the color we want is not there, we must click in ” Custom ” to find the indicated color.

On the other hand, if you want to add an emblem to a specific folder, you will have to right click on the folder and go to the ” Folder Color ” menu and then under the ” Categorize ” section we will see some of the emblems that we can give to a folder, and by clicking on one we will add a small icon to a folder.

Using Folder Color to Customize Folder Colors

If you prefer a more advanced and customizable approach, you can install the Folder Color extension for Nautilus. This extension provides additional features for changing folder colors, such as custom color palettes and the ability to apply colors to subfolders. Follow these steps to install and use Folder Color:

  1. Open a terminal by pressing “Ctrl+Alt+T” and type the following command to add the required repository:
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:costales/folder-color
  2. Press “Enter” and provide your password when prompted.
  3. Update the package list by running the command:
    sudo apt update
  4. Install Folder Color by executing the command:
    sudo apt install folder-color
  5. Once the installation is complete, open the Nautilus file manager as described earlier.
  6. Right-click on the folder you want to customize and select “Folder’s color” from the context menu.
  7. A color palette will appear, allowing you to choose from a variety of predefined colors, or you can create a custom color by clicking on the “+” button.
  8. After selecting the desired color, click the “Apply” button.
    Now, the folder’s color will be changed to your preference, and it will be visible not only in Nautilus but also in other file managers and desktop applications.


Customizing the color of folders in Ubuntu adds a personal touch to your desktop and helps you to quickly identify important folders. Whether you choose the built-in options of the Nautilus file manager or prefer the advanced features of the Folder Color extension, changing folder colors in Ubuntu is a simple and effective way to make your desktop environment more visually appealing and organized.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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