How to change the background of Google Meet

Video calls are the boom of today, they have become an indispensable tool, either for your workday or for your online studies; Google Meet is one of the many tools that exist to hold these virtual meetings and you can connect with your friends or colleagues through a link that the App provides you . Now, this page gives you the option to change the background and customize it to hide whatever is behind you. Here’s how to change the background in your Google Meet video call.

Index(  )

  1. What does my computer need to have to be able to modify the background of my video meeting on Meet?
  2. What is the procedure to change the background on Meet before my video call?
    1. On PC
    2. On Android
    3. From iPhone and iPad
  3. How do I change the background of my Meet during the video call?
    1. On Android
    2. From iPhone and iPad
    3. On PC

What does my computer need to have to be able to modify the background of my video meeting on Meet?

You just have to have a Google account , keeping it open in Google Chrome or any internet search engine and voila, you can access the Google Meet page whenever you want. On the other hand, you can always download the desktop version of said application.

What is the procedure to change the background on Meet before my video call?

This platform gives you many tools to make your experience in it more dynamic and one of them is that you can share your screen , but the one that stands out the most so far is the option it gives you to customize the background in the video call , this gives you the option to display information about what you are talking about to facilitate the understanding of others. It is important to clarify that people who join the video call without using a Google account and those who request access will only be able to change the background during the video call; and, those who access through Google Workspace for Education will not be able to have their background images.


To change the background in Google Meet from your PC before the meeting, you will only have to follow two simple steps: The first of them is to go to the lower right corner of your screen, in your own view, by clicking on the option Change background . There you can see all the available options to modify the background, whether you want to add a new photo or simply blur the background. Now, as a second step you will have to validate what you did and click on Join now and voila, you will access a meeting with the fund you previously selected.

On Android

This new function is now available worldwide and to have it you just have to update the Google Meet App, then we will show you how to use these functions.

  1. You must first open the Google Meet App and select a meeting.
  2. Now, before joining, you must click on the Effectsoption, an option that is located at the bottom of the view itself.
  • To blur the background you will have to click on the icon that is represented with the shape of a user and several points around it, there you can blur it as much as you want.
  • To upload a photo you have to click on the add option, represented by a plus.
  • To select a style, at the bottom of your screen click on Styles and click on the one you want to use.
  • To use a filter, locate the Filters optionat the bottom and click on the one you want to use.
  • When you have finished the process, click on the Done button and join the call.

From iPhone and iPad

The process to change or modify the background that will be displayed in your meeting from iPhone or iPad is practically the same as that of Android , this because the application works the same in both operating systems, so we recommend that you follow the steps that We pointed out above and you can easily modify the background from a device with an iOS operating system; Now, it is important to clarify that this tool is only available for iPhone 8, iPad 5 and iOS 12 and later versions of those mentioned above.

How do I change the background of my Meet during the video call?

As you may have noticed, changing the background on Google Meet before starting a meeting is a fairly easy process; Google Meet also offers you the option to change the background and add different styles during the video call, stay tuned, as we will show you how to achieve this from any device below.

On Android

If you have a phone with an Android operating system, Google Meet will allow you to change the background during the video call. This platform offers its users 25 different options to modify the background , this as default images that the application provides, but you can always add your own photos. On the other hand, the steps to modify the background during the video call from Android are quite similar to those that we indicated above to modify the background before the call; All you have to do is click on effects and all the tools available to you to change your background will be displayed there.

From iPhone and iPad

While in the Google Meet application, you must go to the Effects, located in Own View . There you can view all the options that the application provides you to change the background; if you want to blur the background you will have to click on the blur option; If you want to add your own background, click on Add; as well as you can also change the style and put filters, which are located at the bottom of your screen. After you’re done, click Close and return to the meeting as normal.


  • First you must enter the Google Meet application, being there you have to locate and access the settings option, which is located in the lower right part of your screen and is represented by a 3-point icon.
  • Once you are in the settings, you will have to select the option to change background, there you can see the different backgrounds you have, although you can also add the ones you want, as long as they are JPG or PNG files with a size of 1920 x 1080 .
  • When you have the image you will only have to select it and voila, when you return to the video call you will see how the background was modified.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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