How to change kingdom in Rise of Kingdoms and join another alliance

Discover how to change your kingdom in Rise of Kingdoms and enjoy a new gameplay experience. Follow the step-by-step guide and explore the benefits of switching kingdoms in this popular mobile strategy game.

Rise of Kingdoms is a game for mobiles and PC ; in this game you can put different strategies to the test, to move forward the nation you rule. One type of strategy can be to change kingdom in Rise of Kingdoms and join another alliance.

How to change kingdom in Rise of Kingdoms? To change your kingdom in the game “Rise of Kingdoms,” you’ll typically follow these steps, which I’ll present in a tabular format:

Step Description
1 Check the Kingdom’s Age and Requirements: Before you attempt to change kingdoms, ensure that the kingdom you want to move to is more than 120 days old (but not over 310 days old) and is not in the “protected” status.
2 Acquire a Passport Page: You need a Passport Page to migrate to another kingdom. This can be obtained through the Alliance Shop or by purchasing it with real money. The number of Passport Pages required depends on your power level.
3 Lower Your Resources and Troops: Your resources should be below your storehouse protection limit, and you should not have troops in the hospital, on gathering missions, or reinforcing others.
4 Leave Your Alliance: You must leave your current alliance before you can migrate to a new kingdom.
5 Open the World Map and Select ‘Kingdoms’: On the world map, tap the globe icon to view the list of kingdoms.
6 Choose the Desired Kingdom: Browse through the list and select the kingdom you wish to migrate to.
7 Confirm and Use the Passport Page: Once you select the new kingdom, use your Passport Page(s) to complete the migration process.

Changing kingdoms in Rise of Kingdoms can be an exhilarating and strategic move for players looking for a fresh gameplay experience. By following the steps outlined above, you can navigate the migration process smoothly and enjoy the benefits of a new kingdom. Remember to carefully consider your decision, consult with friends and alliance members, and make the most out of your new environment. Good luck, and may your civilization thrive in its new home!

by Abdullah Sam
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