How to avoid hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids  can be quite unpleasant and it is rarely something we talk about loudly. But hemorrhoids are more common than you might think.

Here we answer a number of questions and give good advice on hemorrhoids

Questions and answers about hemorrhoids

  • What are hemorrhoids? 
  • How do hemorrhoids feel?
    • Symptoms of hemorrhoids
  • Can hemorrhoids go away on their own? 
  • Why Do I Get Hemorrhoids?
  • How are hemorrhoids treated?
  • Can I prevent hemorrhoids?
    • How to sit on the toilet to avoid hemorrhoids
  • Does Hemorrhoid Cream Work?
  • Is blood from the buttocks always due to hemorrhoids?
  • Can I treat hemorrhoids myself?


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What are hemorrhoids?

The short definition: A hemorrhoid is a bulge in a blood vessel around your rectum that can hurt and come and go in periods. 

The longer explanation requires a closer look at the rectum. Externally and a few centimeters up, the rectum is covered by normal skin, which further up becomes the mucous membrane. Under both the skin and the mucous membrane there are lots of fine blood vessels, and when they become enlarged they are filled with blood, and that is the hemorrhoid.

In another type of hemorrhoids, a blood vessel under the skin ruptures, causing a blood clot, which can cause severe pain. Regardless of whether it is a bulge or a blood clot, hemorrhoids are divided into internal and external variants.

If the hemorrhoid is under the skin, it is an external hemorrhoid, but if it is under the mucous membrane, it is called an internal hemorrhoid. 

In addition to differentiating between external and internal hemorrhoids, you can also have four different degrees of hemorrhoids, depending on how severe they are.

Hemorrhoids four degrees

Hemorrhoids grade 1 The
hemorrhoid bleeds a little, you see it on the paper, but it does not bulge out (yet). It cannot be seen with the naked eye. At this stage, the hemorrhoid can only be detected by a doctor who performs a colonoscopy.

Hemorrhoids grade 2 The
hemorrhoid bleeds and bulges out when you press, but slides back when you relax.

Hemorrhoids grade 3 The
hemorrhoid bleeds and bulges out permanently. You can push it back in place, but it will not go back by itself. There may be problems with your intimate hygiene, which can lead to itching.

Hemorrhoids grade 4 The
hemorrhoid bleeds, bulges out and cannot be put back in place.


How do hemorrhoids feel?

The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is blood in the stool , and it is often the first symptom that appears. It is also common to feel and see small bulges around the rectal opening and some may find that they can push the hemorrhoids “in place” after the toilet visit. At the same time, you may have the feeling that you have not emptied your bowels after your toilet visit.

The changing landscape in the lower region can over time make it harder to stay clean, and it can lead to itching. Depending on the degree of hemorrhoid, it can itch, sting and bleed.


Symptoms of hemorrhoids

  • Bleeding and pain from the rectum can be signs of hemorrhoids.
  • Visible and noticeable bulges from the rectal opening.
  • Bumps around the rectal opening that come out further after a visit to the toilet, and which can then be pushed back in place, are most likely a hemorrhoid.
  • Itching due to difficulty in maintaining hygiene.


Can hemorrhoids go away on their own?

They usually come back in periods, so once you have a hemorrhoid, it is likely that you will get it back from time to time. Hemorrhoids are considered a chronic condition, even if you can become symptom-free. 

This can happen, for example, by the ruptured blood vessels that cause the hemorrhoid healing on their own. Here, however, you risk that the blood-emptied hemorrhoids leave skin flaps that do not disappear. In some cases, the skin flaps – or maris as they are also called – are so much a nuisance that they are removed with surgery.


Why Do I Get Hemorrhoids?

The painful bulges can have many causes. Common to many of them is that there is extra pressure on the blood vessels in the rectal region. This can happen, for example, if you are pregnant, constipated or have a tendency to push hard when you poop. 

But just as often the cause is unknown, because even though we rarely talk about them, hemorrhoids are very common – At least half of the population suffers from hemorrhoids at some point.


How are hemorrhoids treated?

The treatment depends on the degree of hemorrhoids you have, but the things you can do yourself are usually the most effective – you can read more about this under “Can I treat hemorrhoids myself”

If the hemorrhoids are due to constipation, enema can also be good. Of course, it is not the case that doctors can do nothing about hemorrhoids.

In mild cases, in grade 1 hemorrhoids, you will probably be offered treatment with steroid cream, which causes the blood vessels to constrict. If it is a hemorrhoid where a vessel has ruptured under the skin and created a blood clot, the doctor can cut it open and drain it of blood.

Medium-sized hemorrhoids – often grade 2 – can be treated with something called the rubber band method. Here, a rubber band is placed around the hemorrhoid, so that the blood supply is restricted and after a while the hemorrhoid falls off to itself. However, the rubber band method is only used for internal hemorrhoids.

In severe cases – grade 3 and 4 hemorrhoids – surgery is a possibility. Depending on the size and location of the hemorrhoid, it may be a major or minor operation, where in some cases only local anesthesia is needed and other times full anesthesia may be required.


Can I prevent hemorrhoids?

If you want to avoid hemorrhoids, be careful not to get constipated. You do this by drinking plenty of water, eating high-fiber foods and exercising – some doctors also recommend the herbal remedy HUSK.

Then you can think about your toilet habits: If you are in the habit of taking the newspaper under your arm when you go to the toilet, it is better to let the news wait. The process should preferably be harvested in about one minute, and even if you do not squeeze the stool – it should preferably slide out by itself – you should not be distracted either.

5 things you can do yourself to avoid constipation


A stool is an extremely effective aid in the toilet.


Potty training for adults


We are created to squat when we poop, and that position can be good to use if you have problems pooping. The ideal is that your legs form a 35-degree angle, and not the 90-degree angle that is formed when we sit in a regular toilet. The 35-degree angle can be achieved by, for example, using a stool, which lifts your feet a bit off the floor.

  • Lean forward a little, so you do not sit upside down.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • You should not push hard. You may feel that the stool comes almost by itself.


The “act” itself should in the best of worlds take about a minute, and preferably even less.


A simple rule of thumb is that anything between three times a day and every third day is normal. You know yourself what is normal for you.


Does Hemorrhoid Cream Work?

Many hemorrhoid creams that you can buy without a prescription have the purpose of cleansing and relieving – and not treating – your hemorrhoids. It may be worth a try if you suffer from itching or are worried that you can not stay properly clean.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, there is a prescription ointment used in mild cases, and it is an ointment with steroids. They work by causing your blood vessels around the rectum to constrict. For many, it is an effective treatment, but it does not cure and needs to be supplemented with a high-fiber diet, exercise and good toilet habits.



Is blood from the buttocks always due to hemorrhoids?

Blood from the rectum is a common symptom of hemorrhoids, but it is not the only cause of bloody stools.

Both fresh blood in the stool and black stools can be symptoms of bowel cancer, and therefore it is important to go to the doctor if you experience any of it. When the doctor diagnoses you, he will first feel with his finger and then do a colonoscopy.

Read here about how to prevent colon cancer


Can I treat hemorrhoids myself ?

For many, the most effective treatment – especially in the long run – is a change in diet, toilet habits and lifestyle.

What can you do yourself to avoid hemorrhoids?

  • Drink enough fluids.
  • Eat high in fiber.
  • Exercise – light to moderate exercise triggers digestion.
  • Get a good toilet technique, see further up in the article
  • Avoid long toilet visits, skip the toilet reading.
  • A job with heavy lifting and many hours on the legs increases the risk of hemorrhoids. If you have the opportunity to sit down or limit the heavy lifting, it is good.
  • Careful but thorough cleaning after using the toilet. Use soft toilet paper, buy wet wipes for intimate care, such as baby wipes or use a few drops of almond oil on the toilet paper – it both softens and washes clean.


10 fantastic fiber sources

  • Oats
  • Rye bread
  • Wholemeal pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Cauliflower
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Peas


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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