How To Prevent Genital fungus

Genital fungus  is a fairly common infection that most women have or will experience during their lifetime. Below you will find the answers to all your questions about genital fungus.

Questions and answers about genital fungus

  • What is genital fungus?
  • What are the symptoms of fungus?
  • What causes you to get genital fungus?
  • Does the doctor need to diagnose fungus?
  • Can the fungus be contagious?
  • How to treat genital fungus? 
  • How do I wash my genitals in the most gentle way?
  • Can I prevent genital fungus?
  • 5 myths about fungal prevention


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What is genital fungus?

It is an infection caused by too much fungus in the genital mucosa and sometimes also in the skin at the vaginal opening. It is usually a question of the yeast Candida albicans. Sometimes, however, other types of fungi are irritating.


of all women get genital fungus at least once in their lifetime. And more than half get it several times.


What are the symptoms of fungus?

Some women clearly feel when they have fungus, if they have already had it once. Keep track of the following complaints:

  • Itching and burning in the abdomen and around the vaginal opening.
  • Increased flow, which is white and clumsy – it can be reminiscent of cottage cheese in consistency.
  • Pain and discomfort during sex.
  • Burning when you urinate.


If the pH value in the genitals gets out of balance, the candida fungus will have a breeding ground to form fungi in the genitals.

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What causes you to get genital fungus?

The Candida fungus is a natural part of the genital environment. It is not something you neither see nor notice. However, you do this when the environment is out of balance or the acidity changes. Then the fungus gets free rein and multiplies. There can be various reasons for this, as you can see here.

Causes of vaginal fungus: _SE

  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Intercourse – especially with a new partner
  • Hormonal changes in, for example, pregnancy, obesity or hormone therapy
  • Excessive genital washing
  • Diabetes
  • Failing immune system due to medication or other diseases

Did you know that…

… it’s not uncommon for fungi to disappear on their own? The stock naturally goes up and down, for example in connection with menstruation.


Does the doctor need to diagnose fungus?

The first time you have symptoms of genital fungus, you should always go to the doctor. This is because it can be about other genital diseases. If the fungus comes back, and you recognize the feeling, you can definitely buy over-the-counter medications without asking your doctor first . If this does not help, you need consultation. If you have an unexpected bleeding from the vagina, you should also always talk to your doctor.




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Can the fungus be contagious?

Men can get fungus under the foreskin, but it does not normally infect women during intercourse. Women with genital fungus can possibly infect men, but this has not been proven, and should it happen, it usually disappears when men wash themselves under the foreskin. This does not indicate that fungus in the genitals is contagious. Neither during intercourse nor by, for example, sharing a towel.



Vagiators are one of the treatment options for genital fungus.

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How to treat genital fungus?

Sometimes the body itself can overcome the problem, so if you only have mild symptoms, you can calmly wait a bit. If they do not disappear, or the symptoms are very troublesome, you can treat with medicine. There are several different drugs. Topical treatment with cream and vagiators is usually used in the abdomen. You can buy several of the varieties without a prescription.

Tablets, which you eat, are also a possibility. To get them, you need a prescription from your doctor. However, be aware that the medicine comes out throughout the body when you take tablets. so the risk of side effects is greater. Statistically, topical treatments and tablet treatments work equally well. Women who suffer from recurrent fungal infections often develop resistance to topical treatment and should then be treated with tablets.

Did you know that…

… younger women are more prone to get fungus, because they more often have new sexual partners?


How do I wash my genitals in the most gentle way?

  • Do not wash yourself excessively. Just rinse with water.
  • Avoid soap. It is best for the genitals – especially if you have a tendency to fungus.
  • If you can not be without soap, then use intimate soap. It is more gentle on the environment in the genitals.


Can I prevent genital fungus?

Genital fungus is so common that it can be difficult to avoid, no matter what you do. The research documentation for preventing genital fungus is modest, but there is nothing to lose by testing these tips and those if they work:

  • Avoid tight pants and underwear. Choose cotton.
  • Try probiotics, especially when taking antibiotics. It is a product that contains live lactic acid bacteria and is available in eg sour milk products or as tablets.
  • Wash the outside with water before and after intercourse.
  • Follow the official dietary guidelines.
  • Get ruled out that you are suffering from diabetes.
  • Try, in consultation with your doctor, an interval treatment with antifungal medication, such as a vagiator in the abdomen after each menstruation.


5 myths about fungal prevention


Yogurt can cure fungus in the vagina


An old advice is that you can fight fungus by putting yogurt in the vagina. The acidic dairy products contain lactic acid bacteria, so-called probiotics , which may help to restore a normal bacterial flora.

Laboratory studies also indicate that lactic acid bacteria have a beneficial effect, but this has never been seriously confirmed in human studies. One study found that more women got rid of the fungus if they were treated with both antifungal drugs and probiotics than if they only used fungal drugs. After one month, however, the same number got the fungus back in both groups. Lactic acid bacteria are thus not a miracle cure for fungi, but on the other hand do no harm either. 

Cotton underwear lowers the risk of getting fungus in the abdomen


Some women experience that they avoid fungus in the abdomen if they use cotton panties instead of a synthetic material. However, the claim is not scientifically proven. Maybe it lowers the risk a bit, but there is no guarantee against fungus. If you get recurrent fungus, you can try using only cotton panties and see if it helps you.

You can prevent fungus by skipping sugar


Stay completely away from sugar – then you will avoid mushrooms! This is one of the pieces of advice in the tangled jungle of advice against fungi. Studies have also found signs that people who eat a lot of sugar more often get fungus in the abdomen. But on the other hand, it has been difficult to find clear evidence that it is possible to prevent fungus in the genitals by cutting down on or excluding sugar from the diet.

TEST YOURSELF: Are you addicted to sugar? 

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You should not use panty liners if you want to get rid of genital fungus


The myth that you can avoid or prevent fungus by avoiding using panty liners seems to be false. A study has collected several different studies, and it does not seem to pose a risk of fungus in the genitals to use panty liners.

You increase the risk of fungus in the abdomen if you are overweight


It has been proven that being overweight in itself increases the likelihood of getting the infection. Therefore, you are wise to keep the weight down by following the official dietary advice, which includes eating less sugar, exercising and avoiding eating too much.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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