How to activate and deactivate parental controls in Fortnite

In this guide we are going to explain the steps to follow to activate and deactivate parental control in Fortnite . What this parental control allows is to adjust what a player can see and do in Fortnite . Among other things, you can deactivate voice chat, reject friend requests automatically or filter adult language, for example.

Steps to follow to enable or disable settings in Fortnite parental control

The steps to configure Fortnite parental controls are very simple:

  • You must first enter the game on the platform you want.
  • Once you are in the room, open the menu at the top right of the screen.
  • There you will see the option “Parental Control”. Select it.
  • The game will then ask you to confirm the email address associated with your Fortniteaccount . If you do not have an associated email account, the system will ask you to link one.


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  • Once the email address associated with the account has been confirmed, the system will ask you to enter a six-digit password. Once chosen, you should use it every time you want to modify a parental control setting. A couple of tips: do not use a password that you are already using on another site and choose a secure one (nothing to put 123456 or any other type of password that can be easily obtained).
  • At this point you will be able to configure all the settings offered by the Fortniteparental control to your liking, activating and deactivating what you think is necessary for the person who is going to play:


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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