How do I increase my friendship level in Genshin Impact?

Genshin Impact has an incredible amount of colorful characters to be found. Moreover, each (!) Character boasts a pretty interesting backstory. Of course, not every hero will pour out his soul to you on the fly – you need to raise the level of friendship with them and little by little open access to this information. How to raise the level of friendship? Well, let’s figure it out …

How do I increase my friendship level in Genshin Impact?

Friendship levels are enhanced through the so-called “companionship experience” (TO experience). Once you reach a certain amount of this experience, your friendship with this or that character will rise to a higher level. Do not rush to immediately start farming the TO experience: it is recommended that you first get to adventure level 15, where daily tasks (daily quests) will open for you.

Completing daily events, clearing dungeons and participating in random events of the open world, you will certainly raise the level of friendship with the desired character. However, it is worth remembering that you can only earn TO experience on certain content. It is very easy to understand whether you can earn maintenance experience for a task: look at the list of rewards for completing this task.

Unfortunately, Genshin Impact is pretty monotonous in this regard. What do we mean? Well, as we said earlier, ” every (!) Character has a pretty interesting backstory .” This means that you will have to complete the same tasks and clear the same dungeons over and over again. Simply put, in order to raise the level of friendship, you will have to hard farm the TO experience. However, for gacha games, such an activity is the norm.

miHoYo claims that once you reach the maximum level of friendship with a character, you will be able to access special tasks in which you will have to make choices, possibly affecting the level of friendship itself. At the moment, this content is still not available in Genshin Impact, but according to the developers, it will be available in the not too distant future.

by Abdullah Sam
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