Home Remedies For Dogs With Stomach Problems

Home Remedies For Dogs With Stomach Problems.Dogs need very similar care to ours when it comes to physical health issues. For example, they also feel stomach upset, have cramps and suffer from all kinds of gastrointestinal problems like ours. It is good that you do a stomach cleaning on your dog if you notice that it has a tummy ache, if you think it has been poisoned by something, if it has abdominal swelling or if the vet recommends it even if you have not detected any of these problems.

Home Remedies For Dogs With Stomach Problems.

Home Remedies For Dogs With Stomach Problems

If you are wondering how to clean a dog’s stomach and reduce inflammation so that it feels better, at oneCOMO we show you 7 home remedies for dogs with stomach problems , so that you can take good care of its health and help it with digestive problems when it needs it.

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  1. Why it is important to clean a dog’s stomach
  2. Symptoms of a dog with a stomach illness
  3. Home remedies to clean a dog’s stomach
  4. When to go to the vet

Why it is important to clean a dog’s stomach

The importance of purifying a dog’s stomach and intestines is the same that we can apply to ourselves. Thus, it is necessary to clean a dog’s stomach when we notice that he feels sick to his stomach or if he has colic. Check out this other unCOMO article in which we explain How to know if my dog ​​has a bellyache .

It is also necessary to do it when we detect that the dog is poisoned or intoxicated, if it has parasites, if its intestines make a lot of noise, if its belly is very swollen, it has an infection or if it has become stuffed by eating more than necessary.

If we don’t clean the dog’s stomach, the problems get worse.in a short time, some more quickly than others, and some of them can be very serious. For example, in case of intoxication or poisoning, you have to act quickly with first aid to clean the digestive system and absorb the poison or poison and go to the vet as soon as possible. If this is not done, the animal can end up with serious consequences or even die. In cases of parasites, if they are not treated, they can spread diseases and spread throughout the rest of the body, damaging different organs, which can fail and cause the death of the dog. Likewise, a stomach infection in dogs, whether bacterial, fungal or other microorganisms, can worsen quickly and lead to an infection of the entire digestive system and even spread to other organs and the blood.

Symptoms of a dog with a stomach illness

To know when to cleanse a dog’s stomach, it is necessary to be able to recognize the symptoms of dogs with stomach pain , whatever the cause. These are the main signs of an upset stomach and gastrointestinal problems in dogs:

  • Concern
  • He watches and licks the side
  • noises in the tummy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Drools more than usual
  • Belching and flatulence
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Apathy, does not feel like playing
  • Lethargy, rest a lot
  • He does not allow himself to be petted, he lets himself be caressed less or if he does, he is very submissive.

The latter is indicative of physical health problems as long as it is not part of the animal’s usual behavior. If it is part of your normality, it will be necessary to work on these problems of trust and tranquility, if possible with the help of an ethologist or canine behavior specialist.

So what to give a dog when its stomach hurts ? Take note of the following section on how to reduce inflammation in a dog’s stomach and clean it well, to see what you can give it.

Home remedies to clean a dog’s stomach

If you were wondering how to clean your dog’s stomach, in this section we show you a list of what is best to do and what foods you can give it to cleanse its stomach naturally so that the process is as healthy as possible.


This point is vital in cases of poisoning, frequent or large vomiting and diarrhea and, in fact, it is one of the best home remedies for colic in dogs and empacho. It is about not giving any type of food for 24 hours , only water in a very small amount every so often. For example, without giving any food, we must offer clean, fresh water every hour but in small quantities, we cannot let him drink a lot at once because that can cause vomiting among other problems.


The vitamins and fibers of this vegetable purify the entire digestive tract, both the stomach and the intestines. It also works as a vermifuge, to eliminate worms, and as an anti-inflammatory. If your dog likes it raw, give it as a reward twice a day , otherwise add it to cooked homemade food.

Here we tell you more about the question: Can dogs eat carrots?

They too

It is also a cleansing food, which eliminates waste and toxins, as well as intestinal parasites and larvae that may be in the stomach. Use it as another ingredient in your furry friend’s usual homemade food, for example you can boil it with rice and mix it with grilled chicken , without salt or seasonings, to give it twice a day.


It is perfect for regulating intestinal transit, so it relieves constipation, and also helps eliminate parasites, waste and toxins easily. Add it cooked or baked to your furry friend’s regular food.

Learn in this other article everything about Pumpkin for dogs: benefits, doses and how to prepare it .


The bran and oat flakes are very beneficial to soothe, soothe and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. It is good for constipation, eliminate waste and toxins and mucus. Add it to their usual food or offer it mixed with natural yogurt without added sugar.


It is well known for its moisturizing, regenerating, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial capacity, in addition to being very nutritious. Thus, honey is very suitable because it can fight germs, bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other microorganisms in addition to relieving discomfort in the digestive system. Add it to their food according to the doses that you can see in this other article on Can dogs eat honey?


Many people wonder if they can give chamomile, since it is what we use when we have stomach upset or intestinal discomfort. It is among the best remedies, as chamomile is calming, anti-inflammatory and relieves problems such as heartburn, while helping to purify possible waste, toxins and parasites. You can leave him in the drinker for a warm or room temperature infusion or give him a medium-sized syringe directly into his mouth every hour.

Learn more in this other unCOMO article that answers the question: Can I give chamomile to my dog?

When to go to the vet

If we think that our dog needs a stomach cleanse because we see him listless, his belly is swollen, he has become stuffed or for whatever reason we think is necessary, the first thing we should do is consult with the veterinarian. Thus, you should go to the vet if :

  • Intoxication or poisoning:In this case you have to go to the veterinary emergency room, it is not enough to practice basic first aid, such as giving activated charcoal to clean the stomach and intestines by absorbing the poison and toxins, and trying to clean the stomach.
  • Embarrassed:if he is vomiting, has a hard time breathing, or if we detect a fever or other symptoms, it is necessary to go to the vet as soon as possible.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea:if one or both of the symptoms present, you must go to the specialist to stop them before the animal becomes dehydrated and the cause that causes them is treated.
  • Parasites:in this case, if we choose to clean the stomach and intestines naturally, even if we manage to eliminate the parasites that are present at that time and their larvae, we will still have to start a prevention regimen. Consult with your veterinarian which antiparasitic medication to use or to help you prescribe a natural prevention method suitable for your furry friend, for example with garlic or other home remedies to deworm .
  • Worsening or new symptoms:whatever the dog’s health problem, whenever we notice that its condition is worsening or if there are new symptoms, we must go to the specialist as soon as possible, because the problem it has is getting worse and must be treated well. and the sooner the better.
  • Maintenance:if we want to clean our dog’s stomach naturally for simple maintenance, to help him eliminate toxins and waste, it is absolutely necessary that the veterinarian who treats him regularly and knows his state of health well dictates how it is best to do it to Make sure that we benefit you and do not unbalance anything in your body or other problems.

Now that you know the home remedies for dogs with stomach problems, you may also be interested in these articles on How to cure stomach pain in a dog and Why does my dog ​​have a hard and swollen belly .


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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