History of Co-working Office Space

The history of co-working office space is not too many years. Today, around 20 million people are using co-working offices from thousands of places around the world.

The idea was first created in C-Base, an organization of engineers in Berlin, to work with computer hackers, a ‘hacker space’. Four years later, in Year 4, the idea spread to New York City, America.

The modern co-working office originally started from the 5th. The term ‘co-working’ is coined by Bernard DeKoven. However, that co-working and today’s co-working are a little different.

The co-working idea spread widely in New York City in the late sixties. Since then, it has become very popular with stop-up companies, small business owners.

In 2002, two Austrian entrepreneurs set up an “entrepreneurial center” or entrepreneurial center called Schrubenfabrik in an old factory in Vienna.

The main goal was to give entrepreneurs a place to avoid working from their homes and help each other out. The entrepreneurial center included startups, architects, consultants, and freelancers. This place can be called the co-working’s mother.

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On Aug. 7, Brad Neuberg opened the co-working office space in San Francisco on August 7th.

The purpose of the office was to work independently two days a week, and Newberg had to pay $ 5 a month for it. No one helped him for the first month. Later, an athlete named Ray Baxter became the first member of the space with Newburgh, and instead he became the world’s first Quaker.

According to a recently published shared-office report by CBRE, the idea that co-working is expected to increase by 5% over the next five years to help companies reduce their costs.

by Abdullah Sam
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