8 habits of happy people

Most people are as happy as they choose to be. © Abraham Lincoln

Nobody gets happy by accident . This is a certain position in life that you first need to work on, and then it starts working for you. The main thing to start with is the ability to recover. Psychologists believe that it is she who is the antonym of depression. This is a kind of weapon against the inevitable falls in the life of every person. A Japanese proverb says, “Fall seven times, rise eight.”

Develop the following 8 habits that will make you feel much happier and overcome life’s difficulties much easier:

  1. Don’t worry about what others think of you
    Happy people don’t let negative people affect their well-being. No matter what these people say, everything flows from them like water off a duck’s back. After all, they firmly know that a worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has merits.
  2. Always see the pluses
    in everything. There is something good in everything bad. If it is not possible to discern the positive side of the situation, such people create it themselves. They are not sorry. If it was good, then it is great. And if it was bad, then it was an experience.
  3. Always be friendly and grateful
    Happy people do not care what you look like or where you come from. All they need is another person next to whom they can laugh and be happy. They are not shy and do not regret a few minutes to express gratitude to other people.
  4. Smile and be positive as much as possible
    “We don’t laugh because we are happy; we are happy because we laugh. ”– William James. Smiles and laughter are an integral part of happy people. It just so happened that the people with whom we spend a lot of time influence us and our perception of the world around us. The more time we spend with positive and optimistic people, the brighter colors our life will be.
  5. Knowing that not everything in this world is perfect
    It is difficult to overcome perfectionism in yourself, but it is necessary. Everything is good in moderation. Happy people know how to control the pursuit of excellence. They do not punish themselves for inaccuracies and shortcomings. They are proud of themselves and their achievements. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. It is impossible to keep everything under control.
  6. Living in the present
    “I have experienced many terrible things in my life, some of them actually happened”(Mark Twain). Happy people don’t wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. They don’t wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. After all, the worst mistake is to think that you are living, when in fact you are lying in a storage room waiting for life.
  7. Contributing to the World
    One of the best ways to feel happy is to change the world around you. You don’t have to save the people or stop the tsunami for this. Sometimes it’s enough to just smile at someone, make a compliment, or help a friend.
  8. Continue Learning
    Happy people are curious and eager to learn new things about the world and the people who inhabit it. There is always something we don’t know about yet. Being interested in life gives you energy, positively influences thinking and makes your days richer.

Happiness is a character trait. In some it is in their nature to wait for it all the time, in others to constantly seek, in others – to find it everywhere. © Elchin Safarli

Appreciate simple pleasures that cost nothing and appear on their own – eating ice cream on a bench in the park, petting a cat, seeing a rainbow. Finding joy in the little things and being grateful for everything you have is where happiness begins.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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