10 things to always keep in mind

All your life you expect to meet someone who will understand you and accept you for who you are. And then comes the realization that this “someone” is always with you. And this is yourself.

Only in our hands is the power to accept ourselves, forgive, rejoice and dream. Decide to be happy: cuddle, share, watch the sunset, plant trees and flowers, listen to music, read books, exercise. It is DECISION – for your happiness it is your conscious decision that is needed. NO ONE but yourself will make you happy. The most important principle. So what else is desirable to remember?

  1. The 80/20 Rule (Pareto’s Law)
    80% of all your results and income bring you only 20% of your activities. Much of what you do is not really necessary. Optimize your time. Think about it: 80% of practically useless work! So who doesn’t have time for their favorite hobby there?
  2. Parkinson’s Law
    You can do what you need to do much faster. The more time you spend on a task, the more you will spend. And if you tend to postpone things until the last minute, then regardless of whether you have allocated yourself a week or a month, the work will still be done in the last 2 days.
  3. Give first and receive later
    In that order, not the other way around. Over time, you will receive more than you have given. Be happy for the world. Desires come true every second on earth. Yours may come true tomorrow. No person who has done a worthy deed has ever received less as a reward than he gave.
  4. Mistakes and failures are good 
    They allow you to gain invaluable experience, learn a lot of interesting things and become successful, since success in life often comes only if you did not succumb to failures and mistakes. He comes only to the persistent.
  5. Meet and Chat Easily 
    Treat any meeting as if your best friends were there. If you start communicating with this attitude, you will be more confident, more open, and will attract new people. Not to mention how important a first positive impression is.
  6. Your attitude changes reality. 
    Pessimism can hide behind a mask of realism. That is why you are “right” every time. On the other hand, it may be better not always to be so, since over time we learn to find only what we are looking for …
  7. Gratitude is an easy way to feel happy 
    It is a great way to maintain a positive attitude and focus on the right goals. And also – to make others happy. Which in turn will make you even happier – emotions are contagious.
  8. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others 
    If you compare yourself to others, you are letting the outside world control you. Mood swings are guaranteed. It is much more productive to compare yourself with yourself. To see how far you have progressed and how you have grown above yourself.
  9. Fear has big eyes
    80-90% of what you fear will never actually happen. They only exist in the head. And even if something happens, it’s not as bad as you imagined. Worrying is just a waste of time and energy.
  10. Don’t Take Things Too Seriously
    Most of today’s problems are unlikely to be remembered in a couple of years. Taking yourself, your thoughts and emotions too seriously will only lead to a breakdown. Relax and your mood will change miraculously.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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