We show you how to beat the Tropical Terror stage 100% in Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Check the quests and the location of the Waddle Dees to get them all.
Tropical Terror is the name given to the fifth phase of the Coastal Eternity world in Kirby and the Forgotten Land . This phase is available after completing the previous one: Rapid Water Treatment Plant , only if you have rescued a minimum of 19 Waddle Dees in your game. Next, as part of our guide, we are going to show you all the missions of the phase, how to complete them and where to find the Waddle Dees that hide in it. So you can beat it 100% without any problem!
These are the 5 Tropical Terror missions and how to complete them:
- Beat the stage
- Destroy the roots of Tropic Woods
- Win without using copy abilities
- Due in 2:00
- Defeat without taking damage
beat the stage
- This is the main missionof the phase and it consists simply of completing it until reaching the end, in this case beating the boss of the world (below you will have tips to defeat it). Beating it will automatically rescue 3 Waddle Dees.
Destroy the roots of Tropic Woods
This mission consists of destroying the roots of the Tropic Woods boss, which you will see from the middle of the fight , when you have already lowered half of the enemy’s life.
- From that point Tropic Woods will be able to make multiplespiked roots emerge from the ground around the area.
- When these roots appear you have to deal damageto them with your ability (or by absorbing and throwing stars if you don’t have any active copy abilities) enough to destroy any of them.
- Destroying a chunkof a root will be enough for the mission to count as completed.
Win without using copy abilities
To complete this quest you have to defeat Tropic Woods without using any copy abilities with Kirby. That is, you can only attack the enemy by absorbing the stars that fall on the stage and throwing them at them. It’s actually much easier than you might think. Keep in mind that absorbing more than one star at the same time will deal more damage to it.
In any case, remember that if you come into combat with an active ability , hold the Y button to release it . The boss cannot take direct damage from any abilities if you want to complete this quest.
Expires in 2:00
To complete this mission you will have to defeat the Tropic Woods boss in just 2 minutes or less . Time starts counting from the moment the fight starts, so you have to damage it as fast as possible .
Win without taking damage
The last mission of the phase asks you to beat Tropic Woods without taking damage throughout the fight , meaning the boss can’t hit you at any point.
So that you can defeat him as easily as possible without losing any life, pay attention to the following tips :
- Tropic Woods is a static boss:that is, it never moves from its place and therefore its attacks consist of throwing things or spitting from its mouth. For this reason, it is recommended to keep your distance since being right in front of his face is dangerous.
- Shoot coconuts that explode:they fall from the sky and you can tell where by their shadow. Once on the ground they explode after a short time, so stay away so they don’t damage you (if you don’t have copy skills you can absorb them and throw them, but only if you are very fast).
- Spits gusts of wind:You can tell when one is going to shoot because it sucks in air with its lips. These gusts of wind go in a single direction and are easy to dodge.
- When he has less than half health left:he becomes angry and can start summoning roots that come out of the ground, surrounding the entire area. Try to stay in the middle distance in the center and stay away from places where the ground moves.
- He can also summon a steel fence:which he places in front of his body to defend against your attacks. It’s not harmful, but it is annoying. You will have to look for the flanks that are free to damage it there.
- Watch out for the gusts of wind at the end:when he is angry he will be able to cast wind in an area that covers from one end of the stage to the other. You have to jump above the clouds to avoid the damage.
These are the Tropic Woods attack patterns , which it will repeat throughout the fight. If you’re having a hard time beating him without taking damage, come back later when you’ve upgraded your skills and you’ll do more damage right away.