Green rice

Green rice . A delicious recipe to garnish any main dish and that has a characteristic green color. It combines rice and vegetables to get an unusual flavor. It is a garnish in which rice is combined with green vegetables, which will give it a nice color and an unusual flavor.


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  • 1 Ingredients
  • 2 Preparation
  • 3 Nutritional contributions
  • 4 Source


  • 2 cups of rice
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 mallet of chives or mountain garlic, finely chopped
  • ½ cup parsley, washed and finely chopped
  • ½ cup chard, washed and cut into thin strips
  • 1 cube of chicken broth or instead, a teaspoon of salt


Separate the half cup of parsley into two equal portions and blend one in the mixer with half a cup of water. Strain it and reserve.

Cook the rice in the usual way, adding the juice extracted to the parsley to the cooking water . When the first boil breaks, add the shredded chicken broth or salt and stir well.

Separately, fry the rest of the chopped vegetables in the tablespoon of oil and when the rice is ready, mix with the vegetable sauce, stirring well.

Serve hot, accompanying the main course of the day.

  • Note: Another variant of presentation used in some places consists of cooking apart and in addition to green other rice dishes, of different colors and characteristics, for example red rice , with ripe tomatoes or yellow rice, with meat or vegetables. To serve it, a mold is taken, in which successive layers are placed, alternating each color, serving it in a flat source.

Nutritional contributions

Rice is the most consumed cereal in the world

Half a cup of rice adds up to just 100 or 110 calories and is cholesterol , fat, and sodium free. It also does not usually cause allergies and is very easy to digest. It is a good source of energy due to its high starch content and is rich in vitamins of group B, if consumed whole. Instead, it is poor in minerals, especially iron , calcium and zinc .


by Abdullah Sam
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