Pilaf rice

Pilaf rice . Also known as pilaw rice, it is a typically Hindu traditional way of cooking rice , with lamb or beef meat, usually accompanied by tea and some spicy seasoning. However the invention of such a preparation is attributed to the Turks or the Persians. In any case, pilaf variants are frequent throughout the Middle East , Near East , Caucasus region and the Balkan Peninsula .

Thus in various countries various names are given to it: in Azerbaijani , Uzbek , Kyrgyz and Russian it is called plov (плов); in Persian polo or polow; in Bosniak pilav; in Serbian Pilav or Pilaff; in Armenian pulav; in Romanian : pilaf; in Greek : Πιλάφι; in Turkish Pilav The Pilaw or Pilaf rice recipe, also called Turkish, may be the most traditional and classic rice garnish you can find. the rice Pilaf is a garnish that goes with all kinds of meats, whether white or red, it is very tasty, also, due to its pasty consistency, it is easily molded into rings, which generates a more pleasant sight for diners.


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  • 1 Feature
  • 2 Ingredients
  • 3 Preparation
  • 4 Nutritional contributions
  • 5 Source


With this mode of preparation, the aim is that the rice maintains the greatest amount of its nutrients and at the same time is a pleasant meal. The rice for the pilaf must then be as integral (with the husk) as possible, for this the rice should be softened with a previous soaking; however if you use rice without the husk you need to cook quickly


Ingredients Unit Quantity
Carolina double rice Grs. 120
Onion Grs. 100
Garlic / bay leaf OR. one
White wine DC. 30
Vegetable background DC. 220
Butter in cubes Grs. twenty


  • Cut the garlic and onion very finelyand sauté in a little oil . When ready, add the rice and fry it a little.
  • Add the white wineand let the alcohol evaporate.
  • Then, we will add the hot vegetable bottom, salt and pepper and cook covered over low heat until the rice isready.
  • Turn off the heat and let it rest for a few minutes.
  • To finish, out of the fire we will add the cold cubed butter, let it rest for another minute and reel with a fork.

Nutritional contributions

Most consumed cereal in the world

Half a cup of rice adds up to just 100 or 110 calories and is cholesterol , fat, and sodium free. It also does not usually cause allergies and is very easy to digest. It is a good source of energy due to its high starch content and is rich in vitamins of group B, if consumed whole. Instead, it is poor in minerals, especially iron , calcium and zinc .


by Abdullah Sam
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