God wants to heal the little things that hinder us from living happiness

The most important are not the cures, but the care of God in every detail of the day to day

I have meditated on Jesus’ healing process in our lives and realized how detailed and caring He is with all His children, because He wants us to be fully healed in the physical, in the spirit, in the psyche, in the memories, among others.

We have small realities that need healing

Often, we stick to great healings and miracles, and we forget the little things in our daily lives, which are just as important as our great needs. Some examples of this: a person full of mania, who ends up creating his little world and is attached to his little things, needs to be cured; a person attached to  lies, who creates a fanciful world, also needs to be healed. Likewise, someone who gossips, talking about others by the elbows, needs to be healed. Just as a person who is dissatisfied with everything and everyone, and sees only the negative, also needs healing. The same goes for people who live under the action of fear, attached to people and things,  consumeristsin excess, they all need to be healed. From this, I could mention many other realities that we often bring in us and that would need to be touched by the healing power of the Holy Spirit.

The Lord wants to heal our humanity in several areas

I have no doubt that the Lord wants to cure the cancerous, the crippled, the blind, the deaf, who has heart problems, the AIDS patient, etc. However, in addition to healing our bodies, the Lord wants to heal us in our humanity, which is so complex and beautiful, yet in need of being touched by the action of God that changes all realities.

The Letter to the Galatians tells us about the fruits of the Spirit: “The fruit of the Spirit, however, is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, kindness, loyalty, meekness, self-control. There is no law against these things ”(Gal 5: 22-23).These fruits reported by São Paulo are reliable sources of reflection on the freedom and healing of our humanity. It is time to ask ourselves: have I lived in love or have I lived in hate and revenge? Do I live the joy or is my life an endless sadness? Do I find peace within myself, even though I live in realities often without peace? Am I patient or do I get impatient easily? Am I kind, kind or rude? Do I choose to do good and live in goodness, or do I make choices for evil, harming people? Am I loyal, faithful or alive from infidelity? Do I live in meekness, in serenity or is my life a constant agitation, even sleeping? Do I live in self-control or am I an uncontrolled person in eating, sleeping, buying, drinking, sexuality, among others?

Read more:
.: By removing our debris, we take steps towards healing
.: How can we seek physical and spiritual healing for our life and family?
.: The secret to emotional healing

We already have a good basis for a thorough examination of conscience and an observation of ourselves to detect in which area we need healing, because God wants to heal the little things that hinder us from living happiness. God made us to be happy and fulfilled in everything. The longing for heaven will always exist within us, and this emptiness of the eternal will only be completely filled when we arrive before the throne of God the Father.

The Lord has a promise to fulfill

The prophet Jeremiah tells us something of the utmost importance: “I know very well the project that I have in relation to you the oracle of the Lord! A project of happiness, not suffering: to give you a future, a hope! When you invoke me, you will go ahead, when you pray to me, I will hear you. When you seek me, you will find me, when you follow me with all my heart, I will let myself be found by you the oracle of the Lord ”(Jer 29, 11-14). This is an excerpt from the prophet’s letter to exiles, to those who were suffering, in need of hope and healing. It [letter] gives us a sign of how to get the healing and deliverance we need from God: call on Him, pray always, seek the Lord at all times and follow Him with all our heart! That’s the recipe: stay in God!

The Lord is interested in our healing, and we also cannot conform to the situation we are currently experiencing. We need to work on our interior and our reactions, and all this is done through prayer, the Eucharist and  fasting , the living and lived Word, confession and the search for spiritual direction, inner healing and self-knowledge. Do not be afraid to enter this healing process, for you and the one you love. God takes care of the smallest details!


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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