Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, 100 words:

Global warming and greenhouse gases are highly interrelated due to some natural means and a lot of human activity and affecting the entire earth ‘s atmosphere. There are many types of greenhouse gases on a daily basis by human activities. Some of the greenhouse gases are like water vapor, CO2, methane etc., whose atmospheric life means that once released, have a prolonged warming effect and gradually heat the Earth’s surface. . This means that their long-term presence in the atmosphere has its effect on global warming.

Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Essay in hindi (150 words)

Global warming and greenhouse gases are highly related to each other. Greenhouse gases such as water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, ozone, etc. are released by some natural means, although other greenhouse gases such as perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrochlorocarbons (HFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) Etc. are issued by human activities including industrial processes, factories and other means.

CO2 gas is released by burning solid waste, fossil fuels (such as oil, natural gas, and coal), wood, and wood products; Nitrous oxide gas emitted by various agricultural and industrial processes, solid wastewater and burning of fossil fuels and methane gas is emitted by landslides or organic waste decomposition in livestock agriculture, which produces and transports fossil fuels. The capacity of heat absorbing and heat greenhouse gases varies.

Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, 200 words:

Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere on a daily basis by some natural means and human activities. They have the ability to absorb heat from the atmosphere and emit radiations within the thermal infrared range, making the atmosphere much warmer. The increase in atmospheric temperature caused by greenhouse gases is called the greenhouse effect.

Primary greenhouse gases are gases released by natural sources such as gas vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and ozone. Other gases released by human activities are called secondary greenhouse gases. It is certain that all greenhouse gases greatly affect the surface temperature of the primary or secondary earth.

Since the beginning of the technological and industrial revolution in the modern world, the global warming situation has become more harsh due to the increasing level of release of greenhouse gases due to burning of fossil fuels, wood, coal, oil, natural gas. e.t.c; Deforestation is the cause of increased atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide and many more. Greenhouse gases have affected bio-geochemical changes of the ocean and entire environments including marine systems. Such gases emit infrared radiation.

Essay on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, 250 words:

Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that cause a greenhouse effect that ultimately increases heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. Such gases are released into the atmosphere by various means and are highly responsible for the constantly increasing temperature of the Earth’s surface. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas emitted from both natural and human activities.

In 2012, it was reported that about 82% of all greenhouse gas emissions in the US were CO2 gas from human activities. There is a natural carbon cycle in the atmosphere that manages the CO2 level, although various human activities are changing it by adding more CO2 gas to the atmosphere by lowering the natural sink like forests. Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have increased since the Industrial Revolution.

The most important human activity is the burning of fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas, etc. due to CO2 emissions aimed at carrying out energy and transportation and other industrial processes. The burning of fossil fuels is required to create electricity, transportation and industrial processes. Various industrial processes like cement, metals (iron, steel, chemicals) etc. require more fossil fuel combustion.

The natural carbon cycle is maintained by the continuous removal of CO2 through natural processes by microorganisms, animals, plants, etc. Plants are considered the main source of CO2 consumption from the atmosphere, although deforestation is caused by humans for urbanization or other purposes. The result is reduced plant numbers and increased CO2 concentrations, which are harmful to human life.

Global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, 300 words:

Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere trapped in heat from various sources which eventually lead to the greenhouse effect. Some natural processes maintain the balance of greenhouse gases on Earth, but various types of human activity have already eroded this balance in the atmosphere, which has caused global warming. Carbon dioxide gas is naturally released by many sources such as the respiration of humans and animals, fossil fuels, coal, oil, natural gas, solid waste, wood, trees, etc.

However, the natural cycle of carbon maintains CO2 gas levels in the environment. . In the modern world of technological and industrial revolution when people’s demand for comfort (electronic things, electricity, transportation, etc.) is increasing day by day, which eventually needs more fossil fuels, coal, oil, forest, to meet the demands. Etc. need to be burnt.

This process releases a number of gases causing a greenhouse effect called greenhouse gas. They have the ability to absorb more heat from various sources in the atmosphere which eventually causes an increase in the Earth’s surface temperature. It distorts the balance between nature and life on Earth.

Other greenhouse gases are like methane (free from the production and transport of oil, coal, natural gases, livestock, agricultural practices, the decay of organic wastes in landfills, etc.), nitrous oxide (emitted through agricultural and industrial activities, fossils Burning of fuel) and solid waste), liquefied gases (hydrochlorofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, halons, hydrofluorocarbons, sulfur Oxafluoride, etc.) and many more carbon are emitted from the greenhouse.

Fluorized gases are more powerful greenhouse gases that have a greater ability to absorb heat. Such gases are released through various industrial processes and are therefore referred to as high global warming potential gases (or high GWP gases).

Large levels of emissions of such gases cause climate change due to high concentrations in the atmosphere (measured as parts per million, parts per billion, and parts per trillion), global warming, sea level rise, hurricanes , It causes thunder, cyclone, tsunami, etc.

Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Essay in hindi (400 words)

Human activity is the main driver of the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which is very dangerous as it makes global warming more powerful day by day. The two are extremely connected to each other and are affecting the natural balance on Earth, including life on Earth. The mid-20th century saw a major climate change due to human activities. The rising level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is an indicator of climate change and global warming. All greenhouse gases are collected in the atmosphere through various human activities and warming the climate which ultimately leads to many changes around the world.

All changes in the atmosphere have a negative impact on animals, people, plants, society and the environment. Greenhouse gases have the ability to last longer in the atmosphere (around tens to hundreds of years) if left once by any means and heat the climate by continuously absorbing heat that persists for a long time and therefore present and future. Influences.

Sometimes greenhouse gases have their own capacity which affects the climate of the Earth according to the length of gases created in the atmosphere. Each has the unique ability to absorb the heat and energy of the atmosphere and cause global warming worldwide.

According to the data, it is noted that total greenhouse gases emissions in the United States increased by 5 percent from 1990 to 2012; However, it has decreased by 10 percent in the last few years. High levels of electricity generation worldwide are considered to be the main and largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and then through transportation. The net emissions of greenhouse gases worldwide increased by 35 percent from the years 1990 to 2010 due to human activities, of which CO2 alone accounted for three-quarters of the total emissions.

Concentrations of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, are increasing as the beginning of the industrial age forces the climate to change and disturb Earth’s energy through warming or cooling effects.

The overall warming effect of all greenhouse gases has increased by 34 percent (27 percent of this is due to carbon dioxide only). Regular use of fossil fuels, oil, natural gases, coal, solid wastes, trees, wood products, organic wastes and deforestation, transportation and soil degradation are adding more CO2 to the atmosphere.


by Abdullah Sam
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