Ginger herbal qualities and cultivars

Ginger is a well-known spice diet. One cannot imagine ginger-free delicacies at the dining table. However, the production of ginger is relatively less than the demand in Bangladesh. Every year, ginger is imported from abroad to meet the demand. Due to its herbal properties, ginger can be used both raw and dry. With the use of modern technology, ginger can be exported abroad to meet the needs of the people by increasing the production of ginger.

Ginger herbs and nutritional qualities

  • Ginger juice cools the body and is beneficial for the heart.
  • Mixing honey with ginger juice for cough and asthma is greatly relieved.
  • Ginger in the cold is very beneficial. It contains anti-bacterial agent, which destroys the body’s germs. Fever helps relieve fever, sore throat and headache.
  • Ginger relieves migraine pain and diabetes complications. Pregnant mothers feel bad in the morning, especially in the early morning. Raw ginger will eliminate this problem.
  • Increases the immunity of the body. Studies have shown that ginger juice hardens tooth enamel, destroying germs that accumulate in the gut.
  • Ginger helps to dry quickly if there is a wound somewhere in the body. It contains anti-inflammatory agents, which heal any cuts, wounds faster.
  • Ginger is also very effective at keeping blood clots and cardiovascular activities. To increase the taste of mouth and prevent diarrhea, ginger will increase the digestive power.
  • Gums, jaundice, ginger chewing gum or juice are used to prevent stomach upset. Besides, ginger is very useful for keeping the throat clean for those who practice it.
  • Cold tonsillitis, headache, typhoid fever, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, pushing spring away ginger. Ginger battles Ovary cancer.
  • Its role in eliminating nausea is essential. So if you have nausea, you can chew raw ginger. It increases the taste of the mouth.
  • Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis – These disorders cause a lot of pain in almost every bone joint throughout the body. This pain relieves ginger. However, raw ginger is more nutritious than cooking.

Ginger contains significant nutrients. Recover calcium and lots of carotene. Percentage of drying is 5 percent sugar, 1.5 percent amish, 1.7 percent fat, 1.8 percent calcium, 1.8 percent potassium. Besides, there are 5 grams of vitamin A and 1 calorie diet per 1 gram. Read more: Nutritional quality of sheep 

Ginger ‘s  varieties

There are many local varieties of ginger in our country. Barley ginger is one of those varieties of ginger. It is a high yielding variety. The height of the tree is about 6 cm. The number of leaves is 20-24 per fold and the leaves are partially erect. The number of tillers per pill is 8-12. The weight of the rhizome is 3-5 grams per patch. Its yield is relatively higher than that of conventional varieties. Like local varieties, bari ginger-1 can be easily stored. Ginger can be cultivated in almost all areas of Bangladesh.

Weather and soil

Ginger needs warm and humid weather. Ginger is better in partially shaded areas.

Fertile two-tier soil is best for ginger cultivation. However, if the clay is cultivated in the soil, there must be a very good drainage system.

When the land arrives in the state after the rains in March-April, the land is prepared with 3-5 cultivars and ladders. Then around the bed with a length of 2 meters and a width of 2 meters, 3 cm to facilitate irrigation and drainage. Wide drain should be made.

Applying fertilizer

The amount of fertilizer depends on the area of ​​the agricultural environment. In order to get high yield, a large amount of organic fertilizer has to be applied to the ginger land.

Fertilizer should be applied at the rate mentioned below per hectare.

Dung – 1-3 ton

Urea – 1 kg

TSP – 20  kg

MOP / Potash – 20 kg

Gypsum – 1 kg

Zinc – 1 kg

Fertilizer application method

Whole cow dung and TSP, gypsum, zinc and half mop (potash) fertilizers should be mixed well with soil when making the soil.

At the time of sowing

Ginger can be sown from April to May. However, the yield of ginger is good in early April.

Seed rate (per bigha)

The yield of ginger depends largely on the size of the seed. If the size of the seed is large, the yield is higher. The yield of ginger is higher when planting seeds of 3-5 grams size. For this reason, carefully seed rhizomes 2.5-5 cm. Two eyes of length should be cut into sections of 4-5 grams. However, considering the cost, relatively small (20-5 grams) seeds can be used. When planting a seed of this size, the bigha needs about   20-20 kg of ginger. Learn the cultivation method of rice.

Purification of seeds

Mix about 5 liters of ginger in 1 liter of water or 5 grams of bovine or 5 grams of Ridomil Gold MZ-4 in it, and then add 5 kg of ginger for 4-5 minutes. When the seeds are covered with straw or mat in the shaded area, the embryo is released, which is to be sown on the ground.

Sowing the seeds

Single row method: row – row = 25 in., Tree – tree = 1 inch.

Two-row method: Distance of two rows in one bed = 25 inches and tree – tree = 1 inch, depth = 2.5-2.5 inches

Care must be taken when planting the seed ginger so that all ginger germinated faces are on one side. Because after 3-5 days, the soil can be collected by removing the soil from one side. It will cost about 3-5%.

Ginger can also be grown in sacks without land

Ginger Care

Ginger tree will come out within 3-5 weeks of sowing. Weeding needs to be cleared after 3-5 weeks after sowing. The soil between the two rows should be raised 2-4 times for growth of ginger and drainage. Mulching often is good. Dhanicha, Buckflower can be planted as a shadowing ground. If all the trees are 1.5-2.5 m tall, cut off the aga and increase the branch branch to provide shade. Apart from this, additional income can be made by placing lu, bean, bean on ginger land.

Top fertilizer application (1)

Half urea (5 kg) and half potato (1.5 kg) should be applied to the area per hectare after 7 days.


After the planting of the ginger, if the tree also grows roots, the seed ginger can be picked up.

It does not do any harm to the growth of the tree.

The seeds raised from the sale of ginger make some financial gain.

This method is called peeling.

Applying fertilizers (2)

5 kg of urea and 25.5 kg of potash should be applied after 7 days on every hectare of land.

Top fertilizer application (1)

3 kg of urea and 25.5 kg of potash should be applied after 3 days on every hectare of land.

Ginger Collection

After 3-5 months of planting the tubers, the leaves need to be collected when they are dry. Usually in December-January, the soil is separated from the soil with a spade and the ginger is lifted. After harvest, the soil is cleansed and ginger is stored. Learn about microgreen farming.


After raising the ginger, the large seed rhizomes should be covered in sandy shade or on the floor of the house or under the ground by making a 2-inch thick layer of sand under the hole and then covering it with ginger. Then the straw should be covered and covered. It has good ginger and good weight. The seed ginger is purified in a solution of 1.5% quinolphs and 1.5% diethane M-1 before being stored in the hole. The rhizome is raised from the solution and dried in the shade. The ginger is dried around the walls of the pit with a paste made of dung. 2 cm per layer of ginger. Thick dried sand or gravel powder is covered. Adequate space is left on the surface and sides of the holes for ventilation.


by Abdullah Sam
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