Games to play in video call to overcome loneliness

How to have fun even remotely by playing one of the many games using applications such as Skype and Whatsapp. Games and riddles to be done with pen and paper or even just with your imagination.



Being at home alone while you are experiencing this period of forced quarantine due to the Coronavirus emergency can push us towards the infinite tunnel of boredom, especially when we have finished the fantasy and continue to look at the phone or pc, looking for news or websites talking about facts and strange things does not solve the temporary problem.

Technology also offers us the opportunity to make video calls with Skype or with the equally famous Whatsapp  to look at each other while we talk or show some moments of our cloistered life: why not take the opportunity to play some games , in exciting challenges 1 against 1 or in more people together , like when we are in the living room?

Here are some simple ideas, to do with the use of pen and paper or even without any help.

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Read also: 5 simple games to play with pen and paper

  • You play with words
    • Memory game
    • Sister words
    • Rhymes
    • Who said that
    • Guess who
    • Guess the song
  • Pen and paper games
    • A minute of words
    • Battleship
    • City things names


You play with words


The simplest and most practical to do, on every occasion and not only in this period of forced distance. Word games only involve a lot of imagination and turn into the right opportunity to increase one’s knowledge.

Memory game

It consists in remembering more words than the opponent or opponents if there are many. The first player starts by saying a word that begins with the letter A, the second player follows by repeating the word and adding a word that begins with the letter B and so on. Obviously, it is not worth transcribing the words secretly on a sheet of paper.

Sister words

In turn, a person thinks of 6 words that have a connection between them. He reveals only 5 to the competitors: the one missing must be found by the players and written on a sheet. Once the time available, everyone says their solution.


A player begins by saying a sentence meaningful task. Who follows, must say another that is in rhyme.

There are many variations, for example you can leave a part of the sentence fixed, leaving you free to change only one piece. Or you can do the rap style game by singing.

Who said that

It’s very simple: a famous phrase is pronounced and the players must indicate who said it. To make it more interesting, famous films can be mentioned.

Guess who

One of the most classic and historical games that we have learned since kindergarten and which we then modified over time by introducing the version with mime.

A player thinks of an object, a city, a historical character, a singer, in short, a certain category that was decided at the beginning of the game or of the game itself.

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In turn, each one, asking a question, can give the answer and try to guess what the other thought. Generally, the rule is introduced that you should only ask questions that provide the answer with a yes or a no.

Guess the song

In imitation of the Musichiere and other games on TV, you can play this fantastic game where one person, in turn, mentions the opening tune of a song. And if there is a good guitarist in the group, then the competition will be exciting.

Pen and paper games



Since these are games that only require the help of  sheets of paper and a pen or pencil for each participant , they can be played by leaning against any table and  do not require  any  special equipment .

A minute of words

A letter of the alphabet is drawn by lot, as desired: the task of each competitor is to write as many words as possible starting with that letter in a minute.



Since the dawn of time, practiced everywhere, especially at school, in free moments, and beyond.

The  rules  of  naval battle  are simple. It is played in two  and  each player  must have  two tables ,  one  where he places  his ships  and  one  to record the  blows inflicted on the opponent . On one side the letters are indicated and on the other the numbers, in order to form the coordinates for each box.

On one of their tables they will draw their ships (you can agree on the size of the table) without being seen by the opponent. The other table will remain empty waiting for the battle to begin. It is played in turns , indicating the coordinate of the shot to be fired. The opponent will respond:

  • water, if nothing was hit
  • hit, when part of a ship has been hit
  • hit and sunk, when the blow hit the part of the ship that was missing and thus sinking it

Vince  the player to  first destroy all the ships  of the  enemy . The rules, established at the beginning, can also determine the time to fire a shot, the number and type of ships, etc.

City things names


It is  one of the simplest games  and it is often played also in the car or train when you have to spend many hours together and the goal is to chase away boredom. Names, things, city  consists in extracting a letter at random , which can be chosen randomly, after a count or by writing it on a piece of paper to be extracted randomly.

Then, having  chosen the letter , the competitors must  write the words starting with that letter  in  the chosen categories . Among the categories we can indicate: personal names, objects, singers, sportsmen, cities, nations, animals, fruit, flowers and plants, crafts, famous or historical characters, etc.

Vince  who , at the appointed time,  wrote  the  greatest number of words , as long as correct.

You can also play  using other languages  such as English, Spanish, French, thus becoming an opportunity to improve and develop their knowledge.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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