Essay on necessity is the mother of invention

“Necessity is the mother of invention”, a well-known saying, means that when you have no other option left and you are in a certain position to complete a certain task or live in a certain situation. Let’s try to complete.

The adage, “necessity is the mother of invention” is commonly used because it is true in real life. This implies that when it is really necessary to complete a task you actually do it by hook or crook.

Essay on Necessity is the mother of invention, Necessity is the mother of invention essay in hindi (200 words)

“Necessity is the mother of invention” means that each of our needs, be it big or small, inspires us to strive and work hard to fulfill them. All discoveries and inventions were made by humans because they felt the need to use them. The need and desire of man to make the earth a better place is the driving force behind all inventions.

Necessity is the mother of invention – detailed explanation

Here’s a look at how it works:

  • Necessity forces people to take action.
  • People earnestly try to achieve something when it is really necessary for them.
  • Necessity creates passion to achieve a goal. Whatever work is done with enthusiasm is sure to bring positive results.
  • The saying comes true in the real world. From the age of the early man to the present day, we can see many examples that justify this saying.


It is true that necessity compels man to use his power and carry out tasks which he once thought impossible. This also shows that if they work hard and are determined to achieve it, a human being is capable of achieving anything.

Essay on necessity is the mother of invention, 300 words:


“Necessity is the mother of invention” implies that when something is necessary for existence, the human mind finds some way to achieve it. This means that necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery.

Origin of Proverb:

This saying has been going on for centuries. It is said that the original author of this old proverb has not been ascertained and thus its credit goes to the famous Greek philosopher, Plato. Although this proverb was used in many works of Latin and English before it came into existence.

The proverb, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, as it is currently used, was in the year 1658 of Richard Frank.

Explanation by example:

An appropriate example of this old saying would be the early man. It was the need of humans that inspired the early people to find food, build shelter, and prepare equipment to protect them from wild animals. He did all these tasks without any prior knowledge of the way they were to be done. If all these things were not necessary for his existence, he would never have tried to invent any of them.


“Necessity is the mother of invention” is right for its word. This shows that no matter how difficult a process is, if a man needs to achieve something, he will do it in any way.

Essay on the necessity is the mother of invention, 500 words:


The saying ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ is not technical; It simply means that the need or requirement of a particular thing motivates the person to create or invent something that satisfies that particular need.

Major and notable inventions are the result of important needs in human life; Once the need is fulfilled, people attain a state of happiness; They will live in harmony and thus make the world a happier and better place to live. Even though the original author of this proverb is not known, this famous citation is in use in most places right from the school.


This is a very famous saying, people have been listening for years. Necessity means necessities and humans work hard to fulfill their needs. This is the original meaning of ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. Ever since civilization began, there has been a need for driving humans to invent new and useful things.

It simply ignites a person’s passion to work for themselves or to invent new things that are beneficial to themselves and others. Necessity also motivates people to take action; Man struggles to achieve something only when he needs something.

For survival, people need money and in order to earn money, they need to work and ultimately they do a suitable job search (invention) for themselves. When a particular need becomes a necessity for existence, people find a way to achieve the same.

According to history, humans in the primitive era had no clothes to protect their bodies against heat and cold, nor houses to live in, nor any food for their hunger, etc. This dire need for safety and survival compelled him to invent fire. Food, trees to cover their bodies and leaves etc. To build a hut like house. Apart from this, they kept improving and inventing new and better things.

The world knows; When Thomas Edison felt the need for light, he invented the bulb in 1879 and thus the whole world was awakened. Transportation systems, television, radio, mobile phones and many more are many inventions that not only show the talent of the respective owners and inventors, but also make our lives comfortable and complete.

In the medical world too, necessity has revolutionized the industry and many types of medicines, surgical instruments and methods of operating them have been invented. These inventions not only cure serious diseases but also save the lives of people in various cases. Organ transplant is an invention that has proved to be a medical boon for many people who were struggling to live.


Technology is advancing at a fast pace and various types of modern weapons like atomic bombs, atomic bombs etc. are also types of inventions. But these are destructive weapons that can eventually destroy mankind and the entire world. Thus, it is important that an invention be such that it does not destroy people and relationships; Instead, help yourself and others.

Necessity is the mother of invention essay in hindi (600 words)


‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ is a world famous saying about which even a child knows. The quote is not technical; Instead it is too simple to explain its meaning with some interpretation, which makes the saying highly influential.


The saying ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ means that when we are in dire need of something and if we cannot live or live happy without that particular thing, then we have the means and ways to fulfill that need. Are found resulting in some invention. If someone is hungry; The food is then cooked to satisfy hunger.

Hence hunger is the need and food is the invention. There are many other examples that explain the meaning of this famous proverb. In fact, most of the world’s popular and profitable things are the result of necessity that made inventors restless and forced them to invent the product. Some of such greatest inventions are bulbs, radio, television, motor, mobile, airplane, and many others.

Invention and necessity are co-related and one does not work until requirements are created. Anything and everything that we use in our daily lives is a necessity and the result of human desire to fulfill that need. It shows that luxury items like air conditioners, cars etc. have also been invented to meet specific requirements.

If we look at history, especially in the primitive era when there was nothing for mankind to survive; People invented clothes, food, shelter and thus began civilization. Some inventions not only make our lives comfortable, but also make living like electricity. Imagine life without light; Because of Thomas Edison, whose desire to remove darkness from our surroundings gave us light and benefited the whole world.

But some inventions are destructive such as guns, bombs, weapons, etc., even if these weapons are invented for self-protection or to protect the nation; But they are dangerous and there is always a fear of loss in some or other ways. It is important that one’s own need not cause the destruction of another.

Need and invention are positively inter-related as need and force as people to take action. Man needs money to survive, which forces him to find a job that will give him salary as money and use the money to fulfill all kinds of need of food, clothing, shelter etc. can be done.

Not only does the need force people to invent means of survival, but also motivates people to work smartly to achieve promotion and better status in their profession. The desire or desire to succeed in professional life inspires people to do better than others and thus they invent new means and methods to win the competition.


Necessity should be seen as an opportunity to do better in life and achieve success and not to make any destructive inventions to harm others.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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