Effective Communication objectives in Learning

 Effective Communication objectives in Learning, Communication Purposes.According to Hewitt (1981), the purpose of using the communication process specifically is as follows:

  1. Learn or teach something
  1. Affect someone’s behavior
  2. Express feelings
  3. Describe one’s own behavior or the behavior of others
  4. Connect with other people
  5. Solving a problem
  6. Accomplishing a goal
  7. Lowering tension and resolving conflicts
  8. Stimulate interest in yourself or others

Understanding Communication According to Experts/Effective Communication objectives in Learning

  1. According to Keith Davis, Communication is the process of conveying a message from one person to another.
  1. According to Carl I Hovlan, Understanding Communication is a process in which a person (communicator) conveys a message (symbol and or words) to shape the behavior of others.
  2. Warent Weaver said, Understanding Communication is a whole procedure in which a thought affects other thoughts.
  3. CH. Cooly said that the definition of communication is a mechanism in which the relationship between humans occurs and develops accompanied by symbols of thought. the means of conveying it and the means of preserving it through time and space. This activity can be seen in facial expressions, attitudes, tone of voice, words, writings and paintings both directly and by means of being able to penetrate space and time.

From several opinions according to the experts above regarding the definition of communication, it can be concluded that “Understanding Communication” is a process of interaction between one individual and another in order to convey messages either directly or indirectly in everyday life.

Elements of Communication

The elements of communication according to Lasswell (1972) are:

  1. Communicator (communicator, source, sender).

The communicator is the source and sender of the message. The credibility of the communicator which makes the communicant believe in the content of the message is very influential on the success of communication.

  1. Message (message)

The message must have its own appeal, according to the needs of the recipient of the message, there is a common experience about the message, and the role of the message in meeting the needs of the recipient

  1. Media (channel / channel, media)

The delivery system deals with methods and media. The methods and media used in the communication process must be adapted to the conditions or characteristics of the message recipient. (IGAK Wardani: 2005)

  1. Komunikan (communicant, communicate, receiver, recipient)

In order for communication to run smoothly, the communicant must be able to interpret the message, be aware that the message fits his needs, and there must be attention to the message received

  1. Efek (effect, impact, influence)
  2. The occurrence of effects in a communication process in learning really depends on the facilitator in delivering the material and the needs of the participants in the material presented.

Effective Communication in Learning

Communicating effectively means that communicators and communicants both have the same understanding of a message. According to Jalaluddin in his book Psychology of Communication, effective communication is characterized by understanding, can cause pleasure, influence attitudes, increase good social relations, and ultimately lead to action.

There are five aspects to effective communication, including:

  1. Clarity
    This means that in communication must use language and package information clearly, so that it is easily accepted and understood by the communicant.
  2. Accuracy This
    accuracy or accuracy concerns the use of correct language and the correctness of the information conveyed.
  3. Context
    Context or often referred to as situation, the meaning is that the language and information conveyed must be in accordance with the circumstances and environment in which the communication occurs.
  4. The
    language flow and the information to be presented must be arranged in a clear flow or systematics, so that the party receiving the information is responsive
  5. Culture
    This aspect not only concerns language and information, but also manners and ethics. This means that communication must adapt to the culture of the person being invited to communicate, both in the use of verbal and nonverbal language, so as not to cause misperceptions.

The requirements for effective communication include:

  1. Creating a favorable atmosphere.
  2. Use language that is easy to grasp and understand.
  3. The message conveyed can arouse attention or interest on the part of the communicant.
  4. The message can arouse the interests of the communicant which can benefit him.
  5. The message can foster something of appreciation or reward on the communicant’s side.

Definition of Learning

Sardiman AM mentioned the term learning with educational interaction. According to him, what is considered educational interaction is interaction that is carried out consciously and has the aim of educating, in order to lead students towards maturity. Learning is a process that functions to guide students in their lives, namely guiding self-development in accordance with the developmental tasks that must be undertaken. The educational process has the following characteristics:

  1. There is a message to be conveyed (transferred)
  2. There are learners
  3. There are teachers
  4. There are methods
  5. There is a situation
  6. There is an assessment

The Association for Educational Communication and Technology (AECT)  emphasizes that instructional  is part of education. Learning is a system which consists of components of an instructional system, namely components of messages, people, materials, equipment, techniques, and settings or the environment.

An instructional system is defined as a combination of instructional system components and certain management patterns that are prepared in advance when designing or making selections, and when using, to realize a goal-directed and controlled learning process, and which:

  1. designed to achieve certain competencies or the final behavior of a lesson
  2. includes instructional methodology, format, and order by design
  3. managing conditions of behavior
  4. covers the entire management procedure
  5. can be repeated and reproduced again
  6. has been developed following a procedure; and g) have been empirically validated (Yusufhadi M, et al .:1986)

Thus learning can be interpreted as an interaction between educators and students that is done deliberately and planned and has positive goals. The success of learning must be supported by instructional components consisting of messages in the form of learning materials, conveyors of messages, namely teachers, materials for pouring messages, equipment that supports learning activities, appropriate techniques or methods, and settings or situations that are conducive to the learning process.

Types of Communication in Learning

  1. Directly

A teacher gives lessons face-to-face with students in a room or outside the room in the context of learning, as is usually done in school

  1. Indirectly

Teachers can provide learning through a medium without having to meet face to face with students, and students can obtain information widely through these media.


Teaching and Learning Process as a Process

The teaching and learning process can be said to be a communication process where there is a process of delivering certain messages from learning sources (teachers, instructors, learning media etc.) to recipients (students, students) with the aim that messages (in the form of certain subject topics) can be accepted (belong to ) by students / students.

The teacher should realize that in learning and learning activities, in fact he is carrying out communication activities. For this reason, the teacher must select and use words that are within the range / field of experience of his students, so that they can be understood properly by them so that the learning messages conveyed can be received by students well.

In the learning process there are activities called encoding and decoding. Encoding is an activity related to the selection of symbols that will be used in communication activities by communicators (by teachers in learning activities). While Decoding is an activity in communication carried out by the recipient of the message (audience, student) where the recipient tries to grasp the meaning of the message conveyed through symbols by the communicator.

In order for the delivery of learning messages to achieve the desired “sharing”, delivery is carried out more concretely and clearly, apart from choosing verbal symbols that are in the field of student experience. For example using props and learning media such as charts, diagrams, graphs, still images etc.

Learning media can be used in 2 ways in the teaching and learning process:

  1. As a prop to explain the subject matter presented to the students
  2. The use of learning media as a communication channel serves as a means to convey learning messages, especially by independent learning media such as modules, Computer Based Instruction (CAI).

Characteristics of Effective Communication

  1. The use of the term that means “the same” between the sender and receiver of the message is the basic rule for achieving effective communication. Words with vague meaning (having more than one meaning) can cause confusion and misunderstanding.
  2. Specific The
    message that is exchanged must be specific. That is, the message conveyed must be clear, so that the recipient of the message can receive and repeat it correctly.
  3. Well organized

The message must develop logically and must not be fragmented.

  1. Be objective, accurate and actual
  2. Senders of information should try to convey the message as objectively as possible.
  3. Efficient
    Messages are delivered as concisely and seoriginally as possible and should strive to eliminate irrelevant words.
  4. The Law of Effective Communication
  5. The Laws of Effective Communication (The 5 Inevitable Laws of Effective Communication) that we have developed and summarized in one word reflect the essence of communication itself, namely REACH, which means embracing or reaching. Because actually communication is basically an effort to get attention, love, interest, care, sympathy, responses, and positive responses from others.

Effective Communication Objectives in Learning


In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, effective communication has become a vital skill in almost every aspect of our lives, including learning. Whether it’s in a classroom, workplace, or personal setting, having strong communication skills can significantly impact our ability to understand and be understood. In this article, we will explore the importance of effective communication objectives in learning and how they can enhance the overall learning experience.

The Importance of Effective Communication Objectives:

Communication is not just about exchanging information; it’s about creating shared understanding, building relationships, and fostering collaboration. When it comes to learning, effective communication objectives play a crucial role in achieving successful outcomes. Here are some reasons why these objectives are essential:

  1. Enhanced Learning Experience: Clear and concise communication facilitates the transfer of knowledge and ideas in a way that is easily understood by the learner. It helps to reduce confusion, increase engagement, and improve overall retention of information.
  2. Building Relationships: Good communication skills enable learners to connect and engage with their peers, teachers, and mentors. It creates a positive and supportive learning environment, fostering collaboration, empathy, and respect among learners.
  3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Effective communication objectives encourage learners to express their thoughts, ask questions, and participate actively in discussions. This, in turn, promotes critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to solve complex problems.
  4. Confidence and Self-expression: When learners can articulate their ideas, opinions, and perspectives effectively, it boosts their confidence and self-esteem. They feel empowered to voice their thoughts, participate actively, and contribute meaningfully to the learning process.

The Key Objectives of Effective Communication in Learning:

To achieve the benefits mentioned above, it is essential to set clear communication objectives in the learning environment. Here are some key objectives to focus on:

1. Active Listening:

Teaching learners the importance of active listening is crucial. By practicing active listening skills, learners can comprehend information more effectively, show respect for others’ ideas, and respond appropriately.

2. Non-verbal Communication:

Non-verbal communication plays a significant role in understanding and interpreting messages accurately. Teaching learners to identify and use non-verbal cues such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures can improve their overall communication skills.

3. Clarity and Conciseness:

In a learning environment, it is crucial to communicate ideas clearly and concisely. Encourage learners to use simple language, avoid jargon, and focus on conveying information in a structured manner to ensure maximum understanding.

4. Empathy and Respect:

Developing empathy and respect for others’ perspectives is essential in effective communication. By fostering a culture of empathy and respect, learners can engage in meaningful dialogue, resolve conflicts, and appreciate diverse viewpoints.

How to Achieve Effective Communication Objectives in Learning:

Now that we understand the importance of effective communication objectives let’s explore some strategies to achieve them:

  1. Utilize Technology: Embrace technology tools such as video conferencing, collaborative platforms, and multimedia resources to enhance communication in the learning environment. These tools can provide new opportunities for engagement and interaction among learners.
  2. Encourage Collaboration: Foster a collaborative learning environment where learners can interact with each other through group projects, discussions, and problem-solving activities. This will not only enhance their communication skills but also develop teamwork and cooperation.
  3. Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer timely and constructive feedback to learners, both orally and in written form. This feedback will help them improve their communication skills by identifying areas for growth and providing guidance on how to enhance their communication effectiveness.
  4. Role Play and Practice: Engage learners in role-playing activities and simulations that require effective communication. These activities allow learners to put their skills into practice, learn from their mistakes, and build confidence in their communication abilities.


Effective communication objectives significantly contribute to the overall learning experience. By focusing on active listening, non-verbal communication, clarity, empathy, and respect, learners can enhance their communication skills and reap the benefits in both academic and personal settings. Incorporating strategies such as utilizing technology, promoting collaboration, providing constructive feedback, and engaging in role-playing activities can further support the achievement of these objectives. Remember, effective communication is a lifelong skill that can foster success in various aspects of life. So let’s prioritize it in our learning journeys.