Don’t Starve Together Cheats for PC, PS4 and XBOne

If Don’t Starve was already addictive playing it alone, the Together version offers a greater dose of entertainment while enjoying it with another person. Whether you choose local mode or if you choose to have fun online, both users will have a great time and you will be able to use all these tricks .

Command listing

To enjoy them it is essential to have the command console activated . If you cannot access it, you must do a brief procedure, the first step consisting of accessing the path Documents \ Klei \ DoNotStarve . Among the files stored there you will see one called client.ini .

Open it with any text editor like Notepad and look for the following line: ENABLECONSOLE = false . If it appears like this, you must change the false to the word true . After you have done it, you just have to press the ~ key every time you want to use the command console. In case you prefer to associate the function to another key, you can do it in the controls menu .

  • c_sethealth (x):The life of the protagonist will have the percentage that you enter in x, being able to increase or decrease it with respect to the current amount of health.
  • c_godmode ():Activate the God mode with which, whatever happens, you will not receive any type of damage.
  • GetWorld () .minimap.MiniMap: ShowArea (0, 0, 0, 10000):One hundred percent of the map will be unlocked so that you can see it whenever you want, very useful if you still do not know the title settings.
  • GetPlayer () .components.hunger: Pause (true):Prevents the protagonist from ending up perishing due to hunger.
  • GetPlayer () .components.sanity: SetMax (x): Change the X for the level of sanity that your character will present.
  • GetPlayer () .components.builder: GiveAllRecipes ():By having the recipes of all the elements of the game you will have the ability to craft any type of object.
  • c_gonext (“x”):Replace the unknown with that object to which you want to teleport. Keep in mind that, if there are several elements in Don’t Starve Together that have an identical name, you will appear next to the one that remains closest to your position.
  • GetPlayer () SetMaxHealth (x):In x, add the maximum health value that the protagonist will have.
  • GetPlayer () .components.beaverness: SetPercent (1):Woodie’s character will become a kind of humanized beaver.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartDry ():A time of great drought will start instantly.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartWet ():Hurricanes will be present in the game every two by three with the consequent danger to your integrity.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartSummer ():Enjoy the summer season and its high temperatures. Keep in mind that the activation of this cheat requires having the DLC known as Kingdom of Giants. Otherwise, if you activate the code, the command console will interpret that it must enable the autumn season.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartWinter ():The cold will take its toll on the game as winter is officially declared.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartSpring ():From now on it will be spring and many of the trees placed in the stages will flower.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartAutumn ():The autumn season will be activated, which will greatly influence the visuals of Don’t Starve Together.
  • GetSeasonManager (): StartGreen ():The game stages will be covered in water due to the incessant monsoon rain.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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