What Are The Different Types Of Skin Laser Surgery?

Skin laser surgery is used for a variety of procedures. Special lasers that emit a high-energy light beam are used for scar and tattoo removal, skin resurfacing, and skin tightening. Lasers have high accuracy which makes them ideal for eliminating spider veins. Port wine stain birthmarks can be made invisible with skin laser surgery.

The word “laser” stands for Light Amplification of stimulated emission of radiation. This concentrated light beam is capable of evaporating water and body tissue. There are different types of lasers used on the skin; Different color wavelengths and pulses perform different functions. The two main types of skin lasers are ablative and nonablative. Ablative lasers work on the top layer of the skin, and nonablative lasers target the tissues below the top layer.

The type of skin condition being treated determines the type of laser and the procedure used. Pigmented areas of the skin are often treated with pulsed color lasers. Skin laser surgery for tattoo removal is done using a CO 2 laser, although some types of tattoo ink cannot be removed with this type of laser. CO 2 laser is also used to reduce or eliminate acne scars. Skin cancer precursors have been removed using ablative laser.

Skin laser surgery works by cutting, sealing, or evaporating tissue. Eliminating spider veins or harboring wine spots, laser seals of blood supply, eliminates the underlying discoloration. Skin resurfacing is done using a laser to vaporize the top layer of the skin. Removal of lesions, moles, warts or skin tags involves the use of a laser to cut off part of the skin while leaving the rest of the skin intact. Almost all types of skin laser surgery result in skin tightening the underlying tissue swelling in response to the laser’s effect on the skin.

Laser surgery is not risk-free, although it usually results in less trauma to the patient than regular skin surgery. Skin laser surgery usually involves only local anesthesia, while some skin operations require anesthesia. There is less risk of permanent scarring and infection with laser surgery than there is with traditional skin surgery, which involves cutting the skin. Laser surgery is still surgery, however, and some patients may experience burns, unexpected results, scars, or a deterioration of skin texture. The operation can also trigger dormant viruses, such as herpes or other infections.

  • Raised skin mole.
  • Skin laser surgery works by cutting, sealing, or evaporating tissue.
  • Laser treatments can reduce acne scars.
  • Flat skin mole.
  • Laser surgery can sometimes reduce the appearance of scars.
by Abdullah Sam
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