Desi vegetables and fruits

Banana mocha 5 is found in the vegetable market The present vegetable is rich in visible banana mocha irons Iron increases blood in the body Hemoglobin, the main constituent of blood, is powerful Covering these vegetables is an important contribution to keeping the skin, hair well It also contains sufficient amounts of calcium, iodine, magnesium These materials also play a leading role in the formation of teeth However, playing more of a banana mocha produces constipation Callers don’t have to eat khosa The flowers inside are to eat Banana mold is very important for any type of anemia In addition, it contains high levels of vitamin A Banana mucus is very important for children with night-time disease About 1 percent of the unborn baby’s brain is formed during the womb So mothers who eat banana mocha, crab curry regularly, Their anemia does not attack easily After a complex bone operation or after plastering, the appearance of this vegetable helps to raise blood and make the bones faster. Women who have menopause need these bones to be strong This is a blessing for elderly men and women who are growing up, babies or those who are overworked. So eating fresh is a wise thing to do
Beneficial Vegetable Crunchy Recipe This season’s vegetable trash lug is 1 There are a lot of varieties in this vegetable Increases resistance Trash cans are extremely useful for patients with pregnancy, athletes, growing children, chemotherapy. It contains sufficient amounts of calcium Calcium tightens bones and prevents hair loss Dietary fiber or fiber is very high in this vegetable This tight diet helps in digestion, relieves long years of constipation, and serves as a beneficial diet for digestion after any major operation. Pressure to remove body weight may weaken the sewing position after any operation. For this you have to eat a lot of water, vegetables, especially garlic However, be aware that those with kidney problems will drink water at the doctor’s suggestion Particularly those who have dialysis in their kidneys will be careful about consuming water

Vitamin C is also sufficient in garlic pods, which keeps us immune from infectious diseases, twice as powerful as the body’s immunity. Vitamin ‘C’ works against dermatitis Some vitamin ‘B’ eliminates problems in the hands, feet, upper body, upper limbs or palpitations. Vitamin B is essential for smooth blood circulation in the brain. It takes cholesterol or fat Therefore, for the sake of weight loss, there is no bar to eating garlic After digestion, it helps to get out of the body properly Therefore, there is very little risk of acidity and gastric problems when playing garlic Iodine has also been found in garbage litter Iodine strengthens teeth, bones and hair Many eat kachchi lati with shrimp fish Shrimp fish has a lot of cholesterol So those who are heartbroken, Avoid shrimp fish, which are suffering from diabetes and high cholesterol problems or suffer from high blood pressure (high blood pressure).

If you have diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, you can eat a small amount of shrimp fish in turtle. However, one day a month you can eat small shrimp with fish Fat is high in big shrimp, so it’s best to avoid it Sugar litter does not increase blood sugar level 1 Therefore, patients with diabetes can freely eat garlic However, the amount of sugar in kachu (which is below ground) is high, which for diabetics should be consumed in small quantities. Vegetables grown in the soil contain high amounts of sugar and sugar Such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, sweet potatoes, kachu, etc. But sugar has a small amount of sugar in it, so everyone can eat healthy food. If you have high blood pressure under control, you can eat a small amount of shrimp fish in a turtle. However, one day a month you can eat small shrimp with fish Fat is high in big shrimp, so it’s best to avoid it Sugar litter does not increase blood sugar level 1 Therefore, patients with diabetes can eat raw garlic without hesitation However, the amount of sugar in kachu (which is below ground) is high, which for diabetics should be consumed in small quantities. Vegetables grown in the soil contain high amounts of sugar and sugar Such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, sweet potatoes, kachu, etc. But sugar has a small amount of sugar in it, so everyone can eat healthy food. If you have high blood pressure under control, you can eat a small amount of shrimp fish in a turtle.

However, one day a month you can eat small shrimp with fish Fat is high in big shrimp, so it’s best to avoid it Sugar litter does not increase blood sugar level 1 Therefore, patients with diabetes can freely eat garlic However, the amount of sugar in kachu (which is below ground) is high, which for diabetics should be consumed in small quantities. Vegetables grown in the soil contain high amounts of sugar and sugar Such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, sweet potatoes, kachu, etc. But sugar has a small amount of sugar in it, so everyone can eat healthy food. So it is better to avoid Sugar litter does not increase blood sugar level 1 Therefore, patients with diabetes can freely eat garlic However, the amount of sugar in kachu (which is below ground) is high, which for diabetics should be consumed in small quantities. Vegetables grown in the soil contain high amounts of sugar and sugar Such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, sweet potatoes, kachu, etc. But sugar has a small amount of sugar in it, so everyone can eat healthy food. So it is better to avoid Sugar litter does not increase blood sugar level 1 Therefore, patients with diabetes can freely eat garlic However, the amount of sugar in kachu (which is below ground) is high, which for diabetics should be consumed in small quantities. Vegetables grown in the soil contain high amounts of sugar and sugar Such as: potatoes, carrots, radishes, oats, sweet potatoes, kachu, etc. But sugar has a small amount of sugar in it, so everyone can eat healthy food.
Pineapple in cold cough

Sunshine 5 in the sky The sky is covered with clouds and clouds as the two go During the heavy rains, the crop is submerged At this time of the year, this is how Rodzal plays every day This variation of the weather therefore requires the body to adapt to the new environment momentarily. The weak body cannot withstand this discomfort all the time Therefore, minor pathogens remain in the leg People in this country suffer most from colds and coughs at this time There is no need to beat elephants to fight this common but very uncomfortable disease All you need is awareness And scientists have also given pineapple pancreas to a healthy stomach Cold cough will not be noticeable at all One study found that pineapple contains a number of enzymes, which act as anti-inflammatory and mucolytic. For which cough, Pineapple is a capable weapon in the throat The pineapple has a world-famous reputation Mexicans eat pineapple as a diet for bronchitis Again, Venezuelans eat pineapple as an alternative to sore throat. Brazilians are also big fans of this pineapple These Brazilians also eat stacked pineapple in soccer as soon as they make it through the nose.

by Abdullah Sam
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