10 Examples of Vegetables

Grown in orchards or irrigated, these edible plants can be eaten both raw and cooked. On this occasion, we have come to show you 10 examples of vegetables .

They are characterized by having a large amount of water in their weight, being able to reach 80% in their composition. Legumes and vegetables are in this group.

Among the benefits of vegetables is their optimal vitamin content, especially vitamins A, B, C, E and K, and minerals such as calcium, iron , magnesium , potassium and sodium .

Some contain volatile substances, like the onion that makes you cry. Not all have the same amount of calories, so they are widely used in reduced-calorie eating plans.

We welcome you to our article today, where we will give you 10 examples of vegetables and we will explain in detail some of the benefits they provide to our body.

10 examples of vegetables and their health benefits

1 . it

We start with one of the examples of bulb vegetables , since garlic contains fructans that promote diuretic action, and it is rich in vitamins A, B and C.

Its medicinal properties are extensive: it is anticancer, lowers cholesterol , is expectorant and has a hypotensive effect (it is capable of lowering blood pressure).

As an additional fact, in Greece and Rome, garlic was considered a potential aphrodisiac.

2. Basil

It is best known as a spice, but few people know that it is part of the examples of leafy vegetables .

It offers various benefits as natural medicine, as it has antidiarrheal, antispasmodic, analgesic, carminative, diuretic, digestive, stimulant, expectorant, laxative, sedative and tonic properties.

As if that were not enough, it is of great help at the time of childbirth, it soothes insect bites and aphrodisiac properties are attributed to it.

3. Artichoke

Also known as artichoke, it is rich in fiber to help control cholesterol and in silymarin, an antioxidant that helps prevent skin cancer.

A medium artichoke has 60 calories, 7 grams of fiber and 0% fat. It is used to treat anemia, gallbladder stones, diabetes , constipation , gout and rheumatism.

Apart from having digestive characteristics, it is highly diuretic and abundant in minerals. It is famous for its positive effect against fatty liver.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is high in soluble dietary fiber and vitamins C and E. Several studies have revealed that it reduces the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

It is very healthy to treat respiratory difficulties, while providing benefits to the heart and reducing the chances of stomach cancer .

This vegetable is recommended in cases of hypertriglyceridemia, because it is of great help to reduce triglycerides.

5. Pumpkin

It contains huge amounts of beta-carotene, which may be protective against endometrial cancer, and vitamin C.

A cup of cooked pumpkin provides 80 calories, 6 grams of fiber and 1 gram of fat. Being rich in vitamin A, beneficial effects on vision are attributed to it.

Those who consume it gain significant doses of boron, calcium, cobalt, iron, potassium and zinc. It is composed of 90% water, which makes it very diuretic.

Do you want to know more about pumpkin? It is cleansing and digestive, and its seeds are used for inflammation of the prostate.

6. Onion

It is highly recommended thanks to its quercetin content, a very powerful flavonoid (natural plant antioxidant), apart from being rich in minerals and vitamins A and C.

Various studies show its help in the prevention of some types of cancer. It relieves congestion, promotes the fluidity of our circulation, regulates blood sugar and kills bacteria.

A cup of chopped onion has 61 calories, 3 grams of fiber and 0% fat.

7. Col china

It also receives the name “Chinese cabbage” and is located in the examples of flower vegetables , being an appreciable source of minerals and vitamins.

It is characterized by being a low-calorie and high-fiber food, which makes it suitable for low-calorie eating plans.

A cup of cooked cabbage offers us 20 calories, 3 grams of fiber and 0% fat.

8. Spinach

By eating a cup of spinach, our body gets 7 calories, 0.1 grams of fiber and 0% fat. It brings with it lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids that prevent macular degeneration.

It helps reverse some of the signs of aging and has laxative properties.

9. Beetroot

It is one of the root vegetables exemplary set , and provides an excellent supply of folic acid, potassium, and vitamin C.

It has biochanin A, a substance that potentially prevents cancer. To do this, take the juice from its leaves and roots.

10. Carrot

The best way to consume it is raw in salads or as a juice. It is essential for the proper functioning of vision and skin care.


by Abdullah Sam
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