How to delete the cookie bars on all sites

Since the European law , followed by the Italian one, have forced the authors of sites and blogs to warn all their visitors of the presence of “cookies”, surfing the internet is no longer as fluid as before. On the Internet, cookies are used by almost all sites: from personal diary-style to commercial ones, the latter cannot do without them as they are used to make advertisements work, especially to show personalized ads and carry out the traffic analysis. Usually this information is shared with third parties and therefore they are called profiling cookies.

So, now, browsing with any electronic device (computer, smartphone, tablet) you find yourself in each site always a bar positioned at the top or bottom  of the screen that gives us a brief explanation of cookies  (called “short information”) . With it you have the possibility to exit the site and do nothing, to cancel or block them by clicking on a link contained in it (called “extended information”) or simply to accept them by clicking on ACCEPT, CLOSE or OK.

This is an example of a cookie bar:

Most users don’t even read the privacy / policy  of sites anymore  , both because it is a long and difficult to understand text and because they all look alike. It’s easier and faster to close the bar and continue browsing as if nothing had happened.

The Privacy Guarantor who deals with personal data protection claims that cookies are a problem for users who use the internet, because they release information without even knowing it thanks to the small files that are acquired by browsers. I find myself very much in disagreement because the only problem they could cause is that of showing interest-based advertising, for example if you buy a smartphone on Amazon, you could find yourself on many sites of advertisements showing the same smartphone or accessories related to it as case, charger, usb cable etc. In my opinion it is useful, what sense would it make to show me casino, kitchen, gossip advertising if I am only interested in the telephony sector or the highest technology?

In the worst case they could know if you are a man or a woman, your age group and nothing else so dangerous, they will NOT know where you live, your name and surname or the tax code and not even other confidential data. In short, they are not a danger and have nothing to do with the viruses that control the computer, they have always existed since the internet was born but only now a useless fuss has arisen. In my opinion, the dangers of the internet are quite different , such as viruses and the ease with which spam or email scam arrives in one’s email address.

How to delete the cookie bars on all sites

I realize that it is really frustrating to find a bar positioned above the contents of a site and that does not allow you to read what is written without closing it first. It is a common thought that cookies have become highly annoying and for this reason browser extensions are emerging that allow you to hide them on every site.


– For  Mozilla Firefox :  it’s an extension called ” I don’t care about cookie “, install it and you won’t have any more hassles if you use this browser.

– For Google Chrome : it  is the same extension ” I don’t care about cookie ” which was also created for the Google browser. Alternatively there would also be CookieOK , Fuck Cookies  and Anti Cookie Policy .

– For  Opera :  the same extension by the same author is available.

– For Internet Explorer :  I refer you directly to the official website to download.

I want to clarify that the bars are hidden but if the site in question uses the page refresh (which is used to add all those things that acquire cookies),the browser page will also be updated even if the passage of cookie consent has been skipped by viewing the cookie bar.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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