
Curds . It is a substance that is extracted from the milk residues after the cheese is made.


Cottage cheese is a dairy product obtained from the fermented whey of cheese . This is heated to around 90ºC so that its proteins form a buttery, soft consistency and whitish color. In its origin, cottage cheese was made with goat’s or sheep’s milk whey , but today, mostly cow’s milk whey is used .

Left to itself, cottage cheese is acidified because the whey it is impregnated with leads to the formation of lactic acid at the expense of lactose. This fermentation can be stopped by two procedures:

  1. Dusting it from a microbial culture that lives at the expense of lactic acid, destroys it and interrupts acid fermentation.
  2. By cooking the cottage cheese, placing it in a cloth bag and subjecting it to strong pressure by twisting it, with which the whey is expelled and any possibility of fermentation is prevented.

In both cases the result is a product very similar to fresh cheese. To the soft or fresh cheese obtained, milk cream can be added, with which different cheeses are obtained, depending on their fat content, which usually varies between 45% and 75%. It is highly recommended for babies.



  • 1L of milk .
  • Lemon or Vinegar

Preparation method

Making a product with a cottage cheese-like appearance, texture and taste at home is simple and quick. It is a curious way to experience the effect of chemistry in a food as everyday as milk. The milk must be at about 37ºC, very warm, because if it boils it is easy for it not to clot. Then, the acid (lemon or vinegar) is added in an approximate proportion of two tablespoons per one liter of milk.

Cottage cheese finished

At this time the chemical reaction begins. The acid lowers the pH of the milk, becomes acidic, and consequently, proteins (the most abundant casein) are precipitated. It is soon observed that the milk is cut and there remains a solid part that looks similar to cottage cheese and a liquid part that is whey. The mixture is left to rest for one hour so that the whey is completely separated from the solid and, after this time, it is filtered with a gauze or a cloth and the cottage cheese substitute is ready to taste.

Effects on the body

Cottage cheese, like cheese, is a remarkable very complete protein food. Except for lactose, it contains the same elements as milk: proteins , fats , vitamins and mineral salts , especially calcium and phosphorous , significant amounts. It is ideal for growth, convalescence and pregnancy. Thanks to its high calcium content, it activates ossification. Due to its vitamins, it favors the renewal of organic tissues. One of its remarkable properties is to neutralize gastric acidity .

Nutritional value

It is a dairy derivative and, as such, it is considered a protein-rich food (9.9 g / 100 g). It has four times more protein than the same amount of milk and twice as much as yogurt . The most abundant, lactoglobulin and lactalbumin, are of great biological value and even of higher nutritional quality than those of other dairy products such as casein. This is due to the fact that ricotta contains a greater quantity of seroproteins (whey proteins), which gather all the essential amino acids .

The fat content is lower than that of most cheeses, since it provides about 7.3 g per 100 g, half that of the same portion of fresh cheese and five times less than a cured cheese, one of goat cheese , one roquefort or a Cabrales type cheese. Therefore, cottage cheese is an appropriate food in a diet low in calories and fat and cholesterol, as well as in the diet of people with a delicate stomach , since it is easy to digest. Of its mineral content, calcium (591 mg / 100 g) -five times higher than in the same proportion of milk-, phosphorus (329 mg / 100 g) and potassium (111 mg / 100 g) stand out. Among its vitamins, the amount of vitamin A stands out(100 mg / 100 g), B12 and, in discrete proportions, the rest of the B vitamins (B1, B2 and folic acid ).

Originality and flavor

Cottage cheese brings a touch of originality and flavor to almost any culinary preparation. Sweet and cold recipes are optimal for this food. You can taste toast with cottage cheese sweetened with jam or honey for breakfast or as a snack between meals. Equally delicious is the salty cheese, tuna and vegetable sandwich .

Among the sweet recipes, it is one more ingredient in a healthy sponge cake or the main ingredient in certain cakes, such as the one decorated with strawberries or the one with blueberries . In cakes, when it replaces creamy cheeses and creams, it reduces the caloric value of the dessert without it losing its flavor or nutritional value.


by Abdullah Sam
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