What are the most common digestive problems and their symptoms?

Digestive problems are a frequent complaint in doctors’ offices. When our digestion does not work properly, it is because our organism is out of balance and this can also affect our mind.

On the other hand, normal digestion means that the nutrients consumed are being properly absorbed. What is essential to neutralize microbes, allergens and toxins that cause damage to our  health .

In this post, we will show you what are the most common digestive problems, their symptoms and the habits that help prevent them. Check out!

Gastroesophageal reflux

The sensation of return of food, due to the effect of gastric juice on the body, is called   gastroesophageal reflux . Often, people do not give the necessary attention to what is one of the most recurrent digestive problems.

The most frequent symptoms are regurgitation and heartburn, discomforts that hinder daily activities. However, there are cases in which reflux can cause esophagitis, chronic cough, laryngitis, asthma and even erosion of tooth enamel.

The treatment of gastroesophageal reflux includes a rich and balanced diet, changes in lifestyle and the prescription of drugs that decrease the acidity of gastric juice, in order to alleviate the symptoms and help in the reconstruction of the injured tissues.


Heartburn is a type of burning sensation felt in the stomach area that can reach the neck and throat. In most cases, it is caused by reflux of gastric juice, that is, stomach acid that affects the digestion channel.

People suffering from heartburn experience an uncomfortable burning sensation in the digestive tract. To prevent the problem, it is recommended to avoid acidic and fatty foods, alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. Another important tip is to go to bed approximately 3 hours after eating.


Dyspepsia is the body’s difficulty in digesting food. Individuals who complain of the problem experience malaise, heartburn, belching and pain in the abdomen, in addition to a feeling of early satiety.

This type of digestive problem can be functional, that is, it occurs without any change in the body. In that case, the doctor may recommend a change in the patient’s lifestyle or eating habits, so that digestion will function normally.

However, dyspepsia can be caused by reflux, ulcers, biliary and pancreatic diseases, and even a stomach tumor. For this reason, it is essential to seek a specialist to perform  tests , from which the correct diagnosis will be established.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The list of digestive problems includes irritable bowel syndrome, which is related to sensitivity in the intestinal tract. For this reason, the organ reacts acutely when we eat or feel anxiety and  stress , for example.

This type of muscle dysfunction can slow or speed up the work of the intestine, which changes the consistency of the stool. There may be diarrhea, mucus, constipation, gas, feeling of incomplete evacuation and bloating.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be alleviated with healthy lifestyle habits, such as a balanced diet and physical activity. However, going to the doctor is necessary in order to investigate the problem and offer the appropriate treatment.

Now you are aware of the most common digestive problems. If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned, be sure to see the specialist doctor to investigate what is wrong and treat the disease appropriately, combined?

by Abdullah Sam
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