Colors of our life

The Colors of Our Life is a unique text. Until recently, everything that was available was materials translated from foreign languages. But given the specifics of our mentality, a book written by a Russian author will always be closer to the reader. The narration is conducted in a simple and accessible form to everyone. After reading the book, the reader will be able to easily apply the knowledge gained in their daily life. This makes the book an ideal guide not only for those who would like to learn more about the meaning of colors, but also for those who do not like veiled texts oversaturated with complex concepts. The book will be a great gift for those who want to learn how to go through difficult situations easily and joyfully.

Pink: how to return love to yourself?

Everyone has situations when you suddenly realize that your life has everything except love. A simple practice helps to regain this feeling: first you need to remember that you have NO ONE dearer than yourself. YOU, first of all, need care and love. You should protect YOUR own strength.

Go to the mirror and kiss your reflection in it. Do it sincerely, with Love and Affection. Recognize in your reflection the child you were as a child who, more than anyone else, needs care, encouragement, and affection. Feel how interesting, beautiful and unique this child is. Hug yourself with all the warmth you are capable of.

In a state of self-acceptance, ask yourself what you would like the most now. And do your best to make this desire a reality in the near future.

Everyone has their own way of returning Love, but we all understand that only it makes it possible to live and breathe. Only Love, a pink sorceress, gives strength to move on and fills life with meaning.

Magenta (crimson): how to feel that the universe cares about you?

I want to offer you a very simple, seemingly absolutely obvious practice, which we often forget.

Thank God for each new morning, for the opportunity to live, breathe, see, move, think, hear, feel, love and be loved. For relatives, parents, children, friends and animals loyal to us. Say thank you for shelter, food, clothing, water and warmth. For the opportunity to work, help others and comprehend the meaning of one’s existence. If we learn to notice not only such important things, but also small details, love from above will penetrate into our lives with warm sunshine. Fill your every day with gratitude and see how your life will change for the better.

The singing of birds, the shine of morning dew, bizarre images of fluffy clouds, the solemnity of the sunrise, the uniqueness of a pink sunset, the smile of a passer-by, children’s laughter, hugs full of warmth – this is what every day fills our life with happiness. If you can see.

White: how to learn not to leave traces?

Before communicating with any person, mentally tune in to white. This will give you the feeling of a blank slate. In this state, it is much easier not to give ready-made recipes, not to hang stereotyped decisions on a person or situation.

If we are neutral, then we can accept information in its entirety, and not from the one-sided perception of our own smart “I”. When we are inwardly attuned to white, the person in front of us has a chance to hear himself.

Go into the shadows in time, have time to put on your “invisibility hat”. So you give the other person the opportunity to see yourself, not our ego. He will be able to hear his inner voice, and not our loud and persistent advice.

White feels like a flat surface of a reservoir in calm weather. If we have the right to give any advice, it is only when we are in this neutral state.

Blue: how to learn to be in a state of inner peace?

Often, when preparing for something important, we try to calculate everything to the smallest detail, analyze the situation and insure ourselves in every possible way. At such moments, we seem to forget about the existence of the External Force, which, as you know, “has our plans.” Generally, the tighter we hold onto the boundaries we set, the more likely things are not going to go the way we intended.

First of all, when you really want something, remember the parable: “God can give three answers to our prayers: 1) Yes; 2) not now; 3) I have something better for you. ” Then breathe in and imagine diving into calm blue waters. Feel how the energy of blue fills you from the inside, becoming you. She gives a feeling of security and peace of mind. Blue energy speaks to you without words and protects you without action. Everything is as it should be. All right. So it was, so it is and so it will be. There is nothing to worry about and nothing to fear. We are where we should be and we are doing what we should be doing. Otherwise, everything would have been completely different.

Blue serves as a reminder that the easier we let go of the situation, the easier and more natural everything goes. Blue is trust. This is an opportunity to say at the most stressful moment: “Lord, arrange everything as it is best for me.”


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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