Is the person responsible for their thoughts?

It is common for people not to know how they became Their Own for Themselves? … When did they first meet themselves? … Many simply do not know the psychogenesis (origin and formation of consciousness) of consciousness … especially of Their Consciousness. They take it for granted and nothing more. In order to understand this, you need to jump out of the trap of psychic automatisms at least a little. You need to gain Will and see in Yourself Something that obeys only the laws of your psychology, and not General psychology, that is, cognize your unique psychic Essence, which is not reducible to the General psychological laws of Others! Psychology of Others (psychology of Essence) is General Psychology and it is useful for you to get along with these Others in this World.

But your unique psychology – the psychology of your Existence is not described anywhere, neither in books on psychology and philosophy, nor in literature, nor in poetry, etc. Only you are the only reader of this Unique Psychology of Yours and the Other will never perceive it as you do. Moreover, you will try to leave a Trace of your Soul in Others (in art, creativity, monuments and various Memory Carriers), but this will only be a pitiful parody (the essence of your soul). You will want your Unique Soul to be scanned and immersed in the Soul of Others, so that the Other Being of your Soul takes place on another Psychic Carrier, but, alas, this will also be Different, since your Uniqueness is associated with a Unique Situation (in time and space) in which only you and only you can stay!

Many great authors who, due to their philosophical immaturity, motivated themselves to create on the basis of the Faith in Otherness in the products of their creativity, did not understand this, but who understood, he died hard. I am sure that all of the above is alien to the average man in the street, since many of them are tolerant of the mechanical nature of their psyche and its general psychological nature. Most do not even try to jump out of this General Psychology. But there are daredevils – Creators and Artists of different Spheres, they make this leap, thanks to Their Unique Creativity. There are genius Schizophrenics and all sorts of nomothetics who are not understood by ordinary people for their Unusual Language (V. Khlebnikov, the logician Frege, etc.) They jump out of This Cell of Mediocrity at the cost of their Mental Health. Therefore, there is a need to erect a World Monument to the Great Schizophrenics of this World, the fruits of which All Mankind hawk. By the way, the great schizophrenic logician Frege died like a homeless person in poverty … on the street …

Most people do not even bother that they are not the masters of their Soul, and indeed, the One Who drives our thoughts is Unknown. There are ordinary people who are sure that Themselves are trying to get their thoughts from Some Bank of the World Mind. Some, tired of the unpredictability of the Outer World and the Inner World, give up and pray to the One who drives it. Some refuse altogether from the Idea of ​​the Uniqueness of their Soul, they say we are all created within Himself in His likeness. He is in Us and there is nothing for Us to poke around in Us! Therefore, We will not be responsible for anything in this world! They say We are not the Authors of our Thoughts and Actions. Summing up, I will say that the issue of responsibility for thoughts will become relevant when psychology comes close to when it will be possible to display thoughts and mental images on a monitor (see my article by RR Garifullin “Nanopsychology as a New Science”)

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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